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Orange is the new Black

A show that only lesbians and straight men with a lesbian fetish watch.

Example 1-

Lesbian Woman: Hey you should watch Orange is the New Black
Straight Woman: No isn’t that show for lesbians

Example 2-

Man: Hey dude do you watch Orange is the New Black
Man #2: Hell yeah those lesbians looking too hot.

by yanipoo1004 December 8, 2020

New Town Secondary

new town is a school that is biased towards the non sc like that ah and ofc the sasuey fixie riders always talk abt fixie and act big like that always sakalau there and here

ntss fixie student: eh yk got malay new town secondary student no money buy oem

ntss malay student: eh mak kau pei puki ah sial

by sec 4 student September 23, 2022

New zealand Blanket

When two people are doing a sex and the person on top breaks into a full-on Haka

I met my tinder date at a rugby match and she took me back to her place later for a little fun and a New Zealand Blanket. Talk about dinner and a show.

by OhNoSnortChamp October 21, 2021

New Age Old School

Timeless pieces, retro, in between old school and new age... Like theivery corporation

That chick is New Age Old School

by Retrostyle November 24, 2020

ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas

He’s a shadow man who haunts the surrounding areas of Holly Parkway and Laurel Lane in Williamstown, New Jersey he is described too have no facial features but he does wear a slenderman type suit and he likes too hide behind trees and spook visitors with footsteps and growls. He is considered a demonic entity. He typically hides from aware children but is somewhat open too ghost hunters.

That’s ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas

The who?

The ShadowMan of New Jersey Parkway Wooded areas he haunts the area

by I play Skyrim September 8, 2023

1👍 3👎

Gideon's ♡Favorite♡ $ongs (New Version)

A Playlist Created By Gideon Bratland. The Playlist Reached Top 100 On Billboard, Making It The Most Listened Playlist Of All Time.

I Love Gideon'sFavorite♡ $ongs (New Version). The Playlist Is So Cool!

by GideonBratland January 20, 2023

short trips will lead to new friendships that will be hugely beneficial to you over the coming 12 months. The more you are on the move and interacting with people in your community the more fun you will have and the more profit you will make.


short trips will lead to new friendships that will be hugely beneficial to you over the coming 12 months. The more you are on the move and interacting with people in your community the more fun you will have and the more profit you will make.

by FrenchVanillaSake February 27, 2025