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Nigga cheese

A term used while in sticky situations in a video game


by Boss baby g February 6, 2021

Nigga Cheese

Nigga Cheese- Once called out by EDP. Nigga Cheese is best cheese of all cheeses. It’s very tasty and has immaculate flavour

Me: Yo Dave, did you hear about the new cheese?

Dave: What cheese?

Me: They call it nigga cheese.

Dave: I’ve had it before. The flavour was immaculate.

by MysteriousCheese123ZD June 2, 2021

Nigga Cheese

A term used when your black friend doesnt have a tasty penis

Ylan:Damnn Roger that dick has hella nigga cheese on it .
Roger: Thanks ive been growing it out for a week now.
Ylan: May i fancy a bite or two
Roger: *vigorious moans*
Ylan: That was pretty smelly roger just how i like it.

by ThepenisAnihilator October 15, 2021

Cyber Nigga

Whit men whob lurk behind there tella-communacational device that act like Niggers even though they are white.

Jamal: Look at the Cyber Nigga
Cyber Nigga: What do you mean my nigga im one of your people my nigger

by Nigus thy einstine November 12, 2023

ass nigga

a bitch who's always its ass when giving a sloppy toppy

This bitch is a ass nigga. she ate my ass the whole time while giving be bj.

by blackbiggiesmalls April 7, 2022

nigga salad

when you shit on a black persons face and rub it in. while he licks off the shit, you cum and twist his nipples so he screams and spits out the shit.

Yo i just fucken gave him a nigga salad

by bitch cock sucker 69 March 24, 2020

Nigga Bitch

A dyke bitch with lopsided pussy who’s weave always falling out who turns fully nigga in the day time then at night a bitch

There that nigga bitch go again

Ouu that nigga bitch fineeee

by Datgirlnowwuzzup October 26, 2018