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prayer whore

Someone who does irresponsible and foolish things to get attention. The close relative to the Attention Whore

Wow Sarah is such a prayer whore.

by Pardue15 November 4, 2015

Air whore

A girl that is such a whore that when she talks whore kinda just seeps out of her and into the air

Omg, there's Jessica better put a gas mask on she's a air whore

by Professor asshole January 12, 2016


A person who has a whorish desire to lick and eat a woman's toe jam.

Laura: Did you know that John is into SM relationships?
Susan: Yeah, He's was my jam-whore for a long time.

by Foot Bitch May 21, 2019

Like Button Whore

A person whose status update on facebook, in part or all, includes the phrase "Like if you..." followed by a popular likable statement. (a.k.a LBW)

Jenny's status says- "Mothers are the best, Like if you love your Mom." Jenny's a little Like Button Whore.

by Mayrut Singh July 27, 2012

Profile Whore

Commonly found on Counter Strike: Global Offensive and social media, people who check other people's profile with no consent in order to find personal information and use it against the person.

Person 1: Dude, fuck this guy! I'm checking his profile. He's probably a little bitch.
Person 1: Hey Person 2, you live in Arizona and work at McDonalds? Fucking lame.
Person 2: Stop being a profile whore.

by Shpoop August 21, 2015

Blasting Whore

Females or Males who seek dirt on someone and blast it all over media sites and publicity as well as well anyone.

Person 1: Gets on facebook snoops around at someone's facebook
Person 2: What you doing?
Person 1: Oh just found out so and so is a nasty slut!
Person 1: Posts status about how much of a piece of shit that person is and makes up a few more things just to top it off.
Person 2: Thinks ( what a blasting whore OMG!)

by blast whore January 19, 2015

hemp whore

The Hemp Whore, is a rare, but lethal stoner. Also commonly known for their tendencies to "whore" around and smoke other peoples weed. They also may try to steal your grinder. Watch out for the Hemp Whores who have been known to spread herpes through shared pipes/bongs/hockey pucks/Jango blocks.

(Hemp) (whore) Adj.

Mary Jane: The other day I ran into a hemp whore, Blake, and he smoked all my weed.

by Nose_picker69 June 15, 2014