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Midnight Rider

A black teenager usually riding dick in the middle of the night. Probably naked jayda

Jayda is the best midnight rider I know

by VastThomas456 August 8, 2017

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Dick Rider

A dick rider is a person who is usually and overzealous mindless fan of anyone(be it a rapper, singer, athlete, music genre, band, or any given thing). A dick rider see's no flaw in whatever they are dick riding at the time, and if you happen to offer an opinion or simply not like whatever a dick rider likes, the dick rider will consider your a "hater" for offering your opinion.

Did yall see that catch? He has to be the greastest of all time...carl that was one catch....1 great catch! Stop hating!....you a super dick rider

by Somerandomguy7 February 2, 2015

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Ruby Rider

A term that is used to call someone a liberal faggot.

Lance Rainer is a ruby rider.

by TheRealDonalTrump January 31, 2019

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Quake Rider

a person still standing during a large magnitude earthquake

California dude: "yeah man earthquakes aint nothin' I am THEE Quake Rider and I will take on any faultline! When everyone else is on their ass, I'm still standing.

by psychoesthesiac July 9, 2010

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Dirt Rider

1. A person of either gender with poor judgement and no class.
2. A person with bad personal hygiene.
3. A promiscuous person.
4. Someone that enjoys anal sex.

"Person 1: Did you see how greasy her hair was?
Person 2: Yeah she's definitely a dirt rider."

"Person 1: Stacy let me do anal last night.
Person 2: I knew she was a dirt rider"

by Paranormalgirl May 23, 2008

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Passe term for the type that had ski-racks on their cars in the summertime, with a sticker that said "Think Snow."

That blond high-rider was a complete idiot.

by cornholio October 15, 2003

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seam rider

A seam rider is one who engages in bouts of anal sex. Alternatively this could refer to a person of the gay persuasion.

"Dave I can't believe that you did that, you're such a seam rider"

by Gregga February 12, 2005

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