Someone who will suck your dick and show you how much they drank
"My boyfriend pulled a Hot bailey on me last night it was sexy as hell"
This is a real man! Better than mason biagini! He was a virgin once... But not anymore! He smells like old soggy cigarettes. But he's so lovable you won't even notice. He farts every now and then. His titties are ticklish. His weiners bigger than mason biagini s too! His favorite activity is making out with ugly old woman he finds on the streets. He was on may 1 2003. He has anal lice.
Don't be such a Connor Bailey poopsie Mr poops a lot!
Bailey Day is a small runt of a child which hangs out with hundreds of females as he is their gay best friend. He cannot get in with any as they all see him as small and annoying. He has liked everyone in his friend group and has failed all his attempts at trying to insert. His jumpshot, wack! His height, wack! His skills when playing video games, wack! Everything about him, wack!
Female 1: Hey, are you friends with Bailey Day?
Female 2: Yes! of course, who isn't?
Female 1: IDK, do you like him?
Female 2: Yes, as a friend, hes like a brother to me.
A great pair of (a women's) legs.
This is a really old slang phrase an old retired teacher told me they use to say when he was a kid, I believe it dates back to the early 1930s. Her legs were insured for a million dollars a decade before Betty Grable. It was difficult to find any reference to her online or by talking to LLMs, but eventually perplexity helped me find about two sources for verification.
Get a load of those frankie baileys
A milf who is commonly attracted to people by the names of Lui gore, Sean Roberts, Charlie Sherwood or even Daniel Rigby. She is a wonderful woman who everyone has great respect for and we appreciate everything she does. Thanks Jane, we love you
Yeno tha Jane Bailey
Ye she’s the one that slept with all the monkey ball cock suckers
(Hannah says) That’s boss tha
A a really beautiful girl that deserves the hype, and is the most basic unproblematic white girl you will ever meet. She is the type of person to stand up for her supporters, and is very honest and open minded. she is so lovable that if you hate her you are just jealous of her. she is really hard working and makes sure her fans are satisfied and happy, and makes sure to reply to their requests.
if you are interested and are basic AF watch bailey dedrick on YouTube and follow her on Instagram.
Me and the multiplication boys got sum 223’s, me,lukaku,pogba & Eric Bailey are the multiplication boys