Source Code

Triangle Text

When 3 people silmutaneously text one another, usually about the same topic.

Ashley: Hey guys did you see tht new movie?

Sarah: Yeah Ashley it was great.

Alex:Yeah i liked it. What did you think Sarah?

Sarah:I thought it was awesome. How abotu you, Ashley?
Ashley:Great . Thanks for deciding to Triangle Text.

by cutmeupashley August 23, 2009

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suicide text

Neglecting an online video game to respond to a text message. This is most lethal in the combination of a new girlfriend and online shooter games such as Call of Duty 2.

Matt - (noticing his cousin’s Call of Duty character standing like a statue in an open field): β€œDude, what’s John doing? He’s gonna get sniped any second.”
Sean: Probably suicide texting. I think Jenna’s in town.

Sean - (watching John get blown away): Aaannnddd he’s down.

Matt: Newb.

by Mattydreads1 January 4, 2010

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Text Telepathy

When you are in the middle of texting someone and he/she texts you the exact same thing. Can also be used when IM'ing someone.

Scott: Hey, can you believe Germany lost?
Me:Omg, I was about to text you the same thing! Talk about Text Telepathy!

by Live To Text July 7, 2010

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Safe Text

To ensure all text messages are erased after text sex, thus avoiding any sneaky a-holes reading through your sexcapades.

Jack: "Man, Jill went through my phone and saw my text sex series with Jane again. Now I'm effed."

John: "Didn't I tell you Jack, ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE TEXT!!"

by Pan Blanco August 15, 2008

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courtesy text

1) When you see some one you haven't seen in a while so you text them so you dont feel bad and your not being rude
2) When you get someones number and you text them for like a week and then just stop, so your not the jerk that "didnt text me"

1) I saw Joe at the mall so i sent him a courtesy text so he wouldnt think i was ignoring him.
2) I need to send that chick from the fair a courtesy text so if we meet again she wont slap me.

by angel of america November 29, 2009

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drama texting

A cowardly form of communicating grievances to another person without having to face them.

I will not allow myself to get pulled in a drama texting with this looser!

by CMETLIBRA February 3, 2010

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sample text

A phrase used in MLG vines and videos. When there is an extreme bass drop or trickshot random things appear, sometimes including 'sample text'. Most of the time it has absolutely no meaning, it just takes up space like the wow guy or Mountain Dew and Doritos.

Person 1: you're stupid
Background: Random sh*t proceeds to appear, including seizure-inducing colors, mountain dew, Doritos, airhorns, the wow guy, snoop dogg, and the phrases "rekt, "ROASTED", and "Sample Text".

by Lemon Fresh Bleach January 7, 2017

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