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Morning Buddy

A person who you sleep with to then wake up with in the morning to have sex with

Jessica: Yeah last night I had Jake over as a Morning Buddy and god I love waking up to him going down on me
Brooklyn: God I'll have to invite him over to be my Morning Buddy sometime

by M4H4 July 8, 2020

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Board Buddies

A click of people who all post messages on a forum, and are all virtual friends with each other through the posting. They tend to exaggerate everything they post, and post the simplest and most benign stuff just to increase their post count. When a poster from outside the click posts, the click usually attacks that poster simply because the click feels that they own the forum, and anyone else who posts is an outsider. A common way to identify a group of board buddies is to post an intelligent message, or ask a legitimite question on a board, and when 4 or 5 other posters all gang up and respond making stupid remarks, or hijack the thread and take it off the subject, you've found a group of board buddies. Board buddies have poor social skills in public, so they sit at a computer and post hundreds of messages per week on their favorite site. They also have a tendency to share everything and anything about their personal lives amongst each other forgetting the web is public. They reveal more about themselves than they would to their own families, making it very easy to figure out who they are, where they live, and what their personal lives are all about.

Smitty posted a good question on the forum, and 5 board buddies all ganged up on him and made all kind of stupid remarks that didn't even have anything to do with his question.

by Frank LaGrotto June 6, 2009

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bus buddy

It's basically friends with benefits!!!

Hey do you want to be my bus buddy
Sure when do we shag

by The sickest minded guy March 4, 2016

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Buddy Blocking

Like "cock blocking" but instead, it's a friend that, for whatever reason keeps the other two friends of a three friend group from becoming close.

*3 friends get into fight, 2 have been hanging out*
Best friend #1: "Why didn't we become bestfriends before now?"
Best friend #2: "I think (insert friends name) has been buddy blocking us!!"
Friend: "Oopsie." ๐Ÿ˜ณ

by big butt big personality February 9, 2015

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Pocket Buddy

A small sized human friend that fits in your pocket. Usually someone so adorable that you just want to shrink them down and keep them.

Brianna: Oh my gosh, Leo is so cute! I just want to have him as a pocket buddy!

by BrockBryan March 20, 2014

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Buddy Hustling

A person who always try's to claim fame from what a friend or "buddy" is doing or accomplishing.

Friend 1:" Hey man yall need to come down to our detail shop and get touched up. We will take care of yall, on mamas cuzz!"

Friend 2: "Foreal cuzz? You and who got the detail shop and where it's at?"

Friend 1: " Oh it's me, whoopty woo, whatchamacallit, and ole' boys spot down on the avenue. We all put our money together and got it."

Friend 2:"Damn cuzz that's what's up! Me and cuzz right here will be down there in about an hour, stay up Pimp!"

Friend 3: "man that nigga full of shit! I rapped to whoopty woo earlier this morning and he said it's him, whatchamacallit, and ole' boys shop. He say he let cuzz wash a few cars to get some change in his pocket. That nigga always buddy hustling around here!"

Friend 2: "Ha! Ha! You niggas is silly!"

by Prettytony1973 September 16, 2014

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Buddy Bubbler

The act of two people simultaneously urinating vertically whilst consuming the other persons urine. Like bubbling however this ones about the team. Can be used in any group two or larger. To Buddy Buble is the act of conducting a Buddy Bubbler.

Person A - I'm both thirsty and I also need to pee. The problem is I have nothing to drink and no where to pee, what am I to do?
Person B - Me too, should we make a Buddy Bubbler?

Person A - sweet, you have satisfied my every need and I don't feel bad about drinking my own piss. I also appreciate that I dont need to touch your penis or look you in the eye.

by phid November 17, 2014

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