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Good at math

Simply said :"Genius"!
Being good at math is something really rare, isn't it?
If you are good at math than an applause for you!

Mark:Did you know that there are people good at math?

by Iamsogoodatthisbruh November 25, 2021

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broken maths

The stuff that happens when people divide by zero or pull some funky formula out of no where.

Oh my god, Mr.Garwood has broken maths!

by Flappy The Clown April 6, 2017

Math Sucks

Everyone in your class hating math

Teacher: Get ready for math
Students: Math Sucks

by Ezra is fat January 19, 2022

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Mala Math

HOT (higher-order thinking) math questions that give you an intellectual kick to the point that they could temporarily numb your mind before you experience an aha! in solving themโ€”mala is a spicy and numbing seasoning made from Sichuan peppercorn and chilli.

Geeks in Singapore who are attending enrichment math programmes from premium tuition centers have been begging their coaches for more mala math quickies and trickies and toughies to satisfy their mathematical cravings.

by Fasters December 30, 2022

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Math Teacher

A person who give's you information that you will never use in life.

Dude my math teacher is really a person who gives you information you will NEVER use in life

by waytoosmort August 13, 2023

maths and econ

adjective: to describe one that is talented and of high earning potential

popular BSc degree programme pursued at social science institutes, derived from 'mathematics and economics'.

Who's that generic? ....it's a maths and econ

Behan, what are you doing tonight? maths and econ

by Generic G January 19, 2011

TikTok Math

When math educators could tap on the rich made-in-China appโ€™s potential, which is popular among millennials and creatives worldwide, to depict the lighter or irreverent side of math and math education, by sending the subtle or sexy message that math neednโ€™t be a four-letter โ€œfour-letterโ€ word.

If teachers and tutors were to leverage on TikTok Math possibilities or prospects to help raise the quantitative literacy of millions of math-anxious students, billions of dollars could be saved by many Ministries of Education worldwide every year.

by Covido March 6, 2022

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