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Alice is a pick me girl, she is so self centered. She never thinks about anyone but herself, if you told her who your crush was then she would flirt with them then say "Sorry I forgot you liked them!"

"Hey Alice! You look really nice today!", "I know, I always look good. And you're looking.... Alive?.."

by frogs.ribbitlol June 19, 2021


Alice. Has the greatest personality. She will laugh at your jokes but non about her personally, talk good of you unless you do her horribly wrong. She makes lots of friends and is a good friend who will have your back but she's no fool. She knows gossip and can let you know what's up with out telling you what's up. Always up for a good time. Everyone loves cares about Alice because she loves and cares too. Sometimes distant but that's okay she busy being a diva.

Girl. Have you talked to Alice?
Girl 2. Yea. Just the other day
Girl. Cool. I miss her

by RockMyThang! July 30, 2023


hey... my wife and i saw you from across the bar and we're really digging your vibes

look it's Alice

by alicetspam May 16, 2021


The friend you love like a sister but you're engaged to her.

Me and Alice fight like siblings but I proposed to her!

by oopsididheragain September 24, 2020


Alice is the most beautiful, creative and talented person you'll ever meet. Alice is fun and supportive of everyone. She is like a mom to everyone and is very nice and gentle. Everybody loves Alice, and everybody needs an Alice in their life.

Wow you are so nice! You're like Alice.
She is so pretty, she's just like Alice.

by Theacupcake January 27, 2019


she is kind, caring and says sorry a bit too much but thats ok. you can have both good and bad days with an Alice but if ur down she will be sure to make the sun shine again.

hi im Alice

by _PurpleMoonUnicorn002_ April 3, 2020


Even though the name is quite popular... some of them seem like can instantly give an instant erection for tool of mine with just one touch. Gyat dayum. However, I’d give this name a more scientific definition... it feels more like we’re falling into Alice's rabbit hole rather than the other way. Something feels like unpredictable, impossible to control or manipulate, feels like, we(me) just free falling

- It's Alice
- She is way out of your league

by The_Impaler November 2, 2024