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Granddad 7

Granddad 7 is a bootleg game that Vinesauce Joel played and made it famous as a meme too.

Guy: Have you watched Vinesauce Joel play Granddad 7?

Guy 2: No,why?

Guy: It was fun as hell.

by Granddad Fleenstone July 22, 2020

November 7

National slap Morgan in the face day

Roses are red,violets are blue, Its November 7 I get to slapy you.

by gotta keep sly November 7, 2019

November 7

November 7: National Fall in Love and Ask Them Out Sometime Day

Jane twirled dreamily. " It's November 7!"

by #Dreamer November 6, 2019

November 7

National cuddle with your crush day!!! Don't forget to get real close!

Hey guess what today is.
November 7

Yep what else
I don't know
Aww come here daddy

by daddylover2008 November 7, 2019

mat 7

A very common word used by chinese people have similar meanning as "what the fuck"/what you want or what is happening depending on the situation.

You have been calling me since last night, mat 7 you want ; This guy mat 7, why he acting like idiot ; cibai lanjiao this guy mat 7 so urgly one

by gugujiao man March 18, 2019

1👍 1👎

June 7

Take your girlfriend out day.

Girl: Today is June 7 so babe are you taking me out
Boy: Of course

by Comedy999 June 3, 2022


the best car to be living right now

person 1: ayo whats your favorite car
person2: obv the Rx-7 tf

person 1: valid

by DragonMilk March 24, 2022