The act of putting gun powder into ones vagina or anal cavity and inserting a lit match into you're urethrae.
Quantarius Diggle Shart: " Bowqueequee and I were laying Pipe bombs last night ".
Jasmine Naggle Daggle: " Wow, that must of painted the walls red ".
A really bad golf shot or a really pathetic golf team in Wilmington DE.
After driving several golf balls into a pond, the huge grey goose flew off and layed an egg in mid-air.
What an Egg Laying Goose! Want to take a mulligan?
To do a favor for or pay another persons bill and get only a lay down payment
(lay beside) in return. Not always sexual. Normally used by someone so obsessed with another that literally laying next to them is worth whatever they did or paid.
I paid her phone bill so I could get ahold of her and told her she just owed me a lay down payment. I just want her body next to mine so I can sleep for once.
Lay-one-out (southern phrase). When one chops out a line of cocaine to be shared or to take to the dome by one’s self.
Myrtle beach, myrtle beach. I’m gonna lay one out when I get there.
A phrase that people use when their linked to the Mandela Effect
“So I think whoever is apart of this whole mandela stuff is usng this to make it look like were not stuck in a different universe”
Bob(works for government): Heyy lay off the bong bruh. The Mandela affect is stupid