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ash wiping

when you are wiping your ass from back to front. so all the shit lands on a males ballsack and sits there forever until turned to ashes and fell off. (some people do this btw)

Ash wiper: Dude i hate this toilet paper, i need to switch technique to not have shit on my ballsack

Ass wiper: dude wtf (what the fuck) do you mean?

Ash wiper: i just told you

Ass wiper: How do you wipe your ass

Ash wiper: From ass crack to ballsack

Ass wiper: *ltfno* (laughing their fucking nipples off)

Ash wiper: i am an ash wiper. who is ash wiping.

by z3da October 17, 2019

Ash Tingum

Acid rain from the eruptions at La Soufriere St Vincent.

I hear we getting ash tingum dis week.

by BahamaBoy73 April 20, 2021

Ash Trash

NOUN - the mixture of mainly cashed bud, resin, carpet kush, and sometimes kief your ass saved up while blowing through your stash only to go through severe thc withdrawal.

Friend - You high af yo! I can't figure out what you're talking about.

You - Nah, bruh! I'm sober. That's that issue. I've been smoking straight ash trash and carpet kush to keep from losing my mind. I already smoked all my kief.

Friend - You high af yo! I can't figure out what you're talking about.

You - Nah, bruh! I'm sober. That's that issue. I've been smoking straight ash trash and carpet kush to keep from losing my mind. I already smoked all my kief.

by Jayfordays January 20, 2019

ash trash

the ash trash can be the garbage part of the cigarette or the container into which the cigarette trash is placed. the ash that falls off the cigarette as it burns, the remainder of the cigarette when you want to throw it away, the butt of the cigarette; the ash trash usually goes into a receptacle like an old pirouline cookies can and may include other pieces of random trash like a straw wrapper, for example. the ash trash may also include an old peanut butter jar or container, an old water bottle, beer can, or coke can.

The pirouline can is perfect for the ash trash.

by salmanchicha April 22, 2012

mad ash

meaning, im mad as shit.

bro im mad as shit lmao.

mad ash

by clobsonline May 6, 2022

Ash bunny

A black woman who only dates white guys

Hey bro, Tameka looking fine! I'm tryna Holla at her.

Good luck she a ash bunny, she ain't into yo black ass!

by Gori-Demon September 1, 2023

Ash Barroth

The person who commits make anus red and beats it.

Omg Jim is a Ash Barroth

by OofyDaddy November 19, 2019