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hanaa banana

Hanaa banana is a nick name by Maddy but was snatched by Bryce

Hi Hanaa Banana

by Bryce_Haze May 4, 2018

Distance banana

When someone offers you a banana from afar; for example, across a crowded room.

“Did you just hear Greg offer me a distance banana in front of everyone?”

by Dirty Matty May 8, 2019

Banana power

When you eat a banana there is slight chance to gain the “banana power
This does absolutely nothing except make you feel like a banana.

-Hey dude you want a banana?
-*eats banana*
-So did you lik-

by IAteHerMelon May 6, 2020

banana kink

when someone shoves a banana up your ass, vagina, or both. :-)

someone shoves a banana up your booty "UGH YES DADDY HARDER"

basically what banana kink is use protection kids

by i dont have a life July 19, 2016

Spiked banana

A spiked banana is an uncircumcised cock

Did u know Rick has a spiked banana?

No, but I guess it is #notrim

by Dylan Norman Maxedon October 26, 2017

Velvet Bananas

a beautiful but horrifying spongebob fanfiction, 10/10 would recommend reading it

"Hey have you read velvet bananas? If you haven't you got to, it's the next big fic."

by fanficgirl January 17, 2014

banana turd

When u dip your dick skin in chocolate butter and stick it up your wifes queef hole and she yells holy shit fuck me again Jonny you got me

That bitch is getting the banana turd u got me

by Rusty trombone January 20, 2017