A shit that refuses to move either out or in, nor can it be pinched off. leaving you in limbo at the point of production.
Help, help, I'm stuck on the toilet. I'm suffering with bastard shit.
A dirty or messed up, the do you wrong type of guy, the idc about any girl, just a Mr.WasteMyTime
Damn, fuck those grimey bastards, they really fucked us over
Omg he is so bad and stinky. He is live in side of the sewers and is so smelly omg. This smells really bad and I think he likes obama and he likes joe joe bidan and he like s donild trompand because he is a rat stinky. he eats trash yeah but his faverite food is ToES AND FEET! rat badterd love feet yummy.
The Rat Bastard is being cringe again!! Get the bug spray......
The bastard who enjoys making birthdays less fun.
A: *Pops all the FUN COLOURFUL balloons and eats ALL the cake.*
B: You bastard.
B: You birthday bastard.
A variable that usually created on accident without knowing that it was created until it comes back and becomes completely out of your control. Like a bastard child.
Nick didn't realize that punching that llama would become a bastard variable and come back on him in a major way.
An American you fat American shits get up and do something apart from being a bunch of faggots with vaginas and shooting up schools you fat dirty cunts TimFS I’ll chop ur whole family because their a bunch of hairy slags
You yanky bastard if you say soccer again will stab ur fat cunt in you prick
Totally stupid and annoying person.
Ian is the biggest bastard gonk I've ever known