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blind gardian

A misspelling of Blind Guardian, a power metal band from Germany. Only n00bs spell Blind Guardian like this.

omg i r got blind gardian albim frm rekord stor 2day

by JakeTheRipper May 31, 2006

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The Blind Neo

A sex act where the female lies down, and has the male straddle her forehead, who then stretches his scrotum to completely cover both of her eyes, mimicking Neo having his eyes fused shut in the vastly inferior movie The Matrix Revolutions. Finally, the male ejaculates into the females mouth, while screaming "YOU ARE THE ONE!"

Dude, I totally gave my wife The Blind Neo last night. It was awesome...We're getting a divorce...*uncontrollable sobbing*

by Ahauzotz January 4, 2015

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Blind Rhino

A variation on the Roman Helmet with the exception of the penis being erect.

I was so drunk, I gave your mom a blind rhino...Don't tell your dad.

by mudmask July 11, 2008

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Bling Blind

The temporary loss of eye sight that occurs when staring directly at a person who is wearing significantly shiny and/or colorful accessories.

Dang Gina, you makin' me BLING BLIND with all that razzle-dazzle jewelry you be wearin'. Work it, Girlfriend!

by Sanders like the Colonel June 5, 2009

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Rolling Blind

Rolling a joing in insufficient/non-existand light, often leading to a poorly constructed roll.

'Dude, that joint looks wack!'

'Yeah sorry man, was rolling blind.'

by Eleefant July 15, 2009

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blind rat

a girl named Nicole which is funny, beautiful, and amazing but also kinda looks like one of the three blind rats from Shrek when she puts on goofy glasses

Bobby is a blind rat

by I'm Vengeance March 31, 2022

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as blind as a bat

It is saying that you have the vision of a bat.

"you're as blind as a bat"

by DoneForG%?d April 5, 2016

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