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Nolan’s alarm clock

the act of shoving a alarm clock up a baseball players anus, and when the alarm clock goes off, it will snooze.

The tournament hotel was crazy, i saw the cobras making the freshman do the Nolan’s alarm clock

by ya boy the average kid August 8, 2022

Rock Around the Clock

A business that stays open for 24 hours.

I need some smokes. Does 7/11 rock around the clock?

by CaanHammertime May 22, 2015

geordie alarm clock

A fart performed in bed by one's wife/female partner, so loud in volume and pungent in smell that it would rouse even a work-shy geordie from his foul sleep pit.

"Howay Pet! Mind tha Geordie alarm clock. Yor orse has splattered broon allaver me pidjammers!"

by Bob Sometimes March 18, 2005

58πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Synonym for blunder or anachronism. One of the bigger fact-check ommisions or common sense blunders in movie-making history, as displayed in the movie "The Insider" starring Al Pacino and Russell Crowe, which debuted in 1999, as was Directed by noted Michael Mann.

One of if not THE glaring mistake made in the movie "THE INSIDER" - which stars Al Pacino and Russel Crowe - was a van appearing in the background repeatedly showcasing the company name 1-800-CLOCKS on the side of the van, and which DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH DIGITS to POTENTIALLY EVEN be a real phone number -- it is 1 DIGIT SHORT! This will go down as one of the biggest blunders in recent movie-making history. This movie was nominated for a gazillion awards, and for good reason! For those who may not remeber this movie by name, this is the one where the character played by Russel Crowe takes on Big Tobacco. Great movie! Presumably the van should have been painted 1-800-4CLOCKS, the Company that they must have meant to be plugging. Perhaps they will in the remake.

by Philip Eli March 19, 2007

24πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

australian alarm clock

this is when you awaken your significant other by shoving your thumb in her ass, while yelling common Australian catch phrases. "G'day Mate!" and "I just shoved my shrimp in your Bar-B!" are the most common.

Mary prefers the Australian alarm clock to the Eskimo mushroom hammer.

by georgelopez September 7, 2008

47πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

coo coo clock

Someone that has totally gone crazy and lost it. They have an embarrassing temper that makes you laugh at them.

What are you a coo coo clock?

Ok coo coo clock!

Control yourself don't be a coo coo clock!

by Rat Tail January 11, 2006

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Nature's Alarm Clock

Noun. The act of awakening in absolute astonishment to yourself doing any of the following:

- wetting the bed, pretty much standard and definitely the most common of nature's alarm clocks.

- ejaculating, also known as nocturnal emmissions; most commonly found with young pubescent men who have not yet mastered the fine art of masturbation, or just weird fucks who don't masturbate for some god foresaken reason.

- shitting, definitely the rarest and most frightening of all of nature's alarm clocks. Don't ask me how this happens but rumor says that it is most commonly experienced in things called fraternity houses.

Young Man: "I just woke up and my weiner was glued to my leg, and I had this bizarre feeling of euphoria and relaxation."

Knowledgable Elder: "Oh, don't worry youngster, nothin' to fret about thats just Nature's Alarm Clock telling you its time to get up and apparently do some laundry."

by Brad Pinto February 5, 2006

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