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dead nuts

Completely level or plumb. A definition used in the construction trades.

After I laid the porch steps I checked them with my level and they were dead nuts!

by Nate Pesci July 12, 2006

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Dead Trim

Max's haircut

Max pulled up with that dead trim

by DongCheese October 2, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead person

Someone who just won't wake up.

Where's Grandma Lacy? Is she a dead person?

by I stole your nose August 28, 2020

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Dead Bolt

A lock that if you don't lock at night (specifically) you will FUCKING DIE!

Yo, Mary did you lock the Dead Bolt?

No, Why?
Go lock that shit, or we'll die!

by Christmas Ornament August 3, 2015

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Dead Peasant

A person, an employee who is subject to a Corporate-owned life insurance that benefits the corporation in case of death of such person.

The term was unknown to general public until it came to light in Michael Moore's film "Capitalism: A Love Story". It may have originated as a reference to profitiring scheme described in Russian 19th century novel "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol.

Ever heard of "dead peasant" insurance policies?

by epicure March 7, 2010

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dead mule

An essential element in southern US fiction writing. No good southern fiction is complete without a dead mule. Academics and every day readers acknowledge this literary truth. The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature demonstrates on this premise and features stories with dead mules as elements as well as other fiction, poetry, and essays.

"No good Southern fiction is complete without a dead mule." -- www.deadmule.com

by FormicaDinette November 15, 2013

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Dead Friends

People you are friends with only because you we're forced together for a long period of time. (i.e in a classroom or work space) You find them unreliable, they don't KNOW you, you don't know them even after all this time. You're personalities don't match yet you hang out and can talk with each other. If follows the "Friends you realize you were only friends with because you saw them 5 days a weekโ€ mentality.

Jeff talks to 10+ people 5 days a week but he is loney, they are all dead friends that would never be there for him when he needs them.

by Aldia September 24, 2016

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