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Dusty Cock

When one does a line of coke off of another's erect dick.

Yo I got some coke you wana do a dusty cock off of alex.

by ur freshness December 10, 2008

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Dusty Tucker

The sexiest most awesome guy on the planet. can often be seen with many hot chicks around him. every girl wants to sex him.

"look at the dusty tucker, i just wanna sex him!"

by sexybeast1431 February 4, 2010

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Dusty Crawfish

The biggest ladys man on the earth. DJ assaults apprentice. Does anything for a hot lady. Hottest guy you will ever meet. St. Ursula School his daily hell. Paul Stortz and John Cimino, the biggest pimps on the planet, are his crew. Also see the word a dustin for the same guy.

"wow man dustin is so hot"

by Mr. Smiths Victem May 1, 2005

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Dusty Nut

When you nut a lot of times in a day.

I just nutted for the fourth time today, it was a dusty nut.

by Alppuccino April 1, 2018

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Dusty Trollop

Dusty trollops are trollops in which no amount of moisture with change their innate dustiness.

Dusty trollops get on my nerves.

by torrelle328 July 20, 2009

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dusty cactus

A big fat pulsating cock, usually a party of old men with large erections. Similar to a Lemon Party but much dirtier.

Are you going to the Dusty Cactus tonight?

by iCrispyyy October 9, 2014

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Dusty Baker

A spliff in which the weed-to-tabacco ratio is below 50%.

A spliff consisting primarily of tabacco, with weed or hash lightly dusted on top.

A cigarette with a touch of weed dust.

Q: "Is there tabacco in this J?"

A: "Yea, a lot actually. It's more of a dusty baker than a proper spliff."

by phaedrvs February 25, 2015

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