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People who are straight-edge listen to hardcore music and abstain from the use of drugs or alcohol.

People who are straight-edge like to base their whole schtick off of the fact that they are straight edge because for some reason they think it is such and accomplishment to listen to hardcore music and not do drugs at the same, like that is somehow seemingly impossible. They think that they’re so cool for not doing drugs even though most of the world doesn’t do them either.

Straight-edge people are very insecure and so label themselves as straight edge to try to fit in and have a social group to belong to because they are so utterly unlikable.

Look at those straight-edge pussies hardcore dancing over there like bumbling fucking idiots.

by Shed man June 26, 2020

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When sex partners bring each other simultaneously to the brink of orgasm, then stopping or pausing the activity without crossing the climactic threshold. May be repeated as desired (or capable) to prolong enjoyment and/or build to soul-shaking crescend-O! .

Brian and I spent the whole afternoon double-edging, 'til he finally spurted when I was riding the rail, so I guess he lost ... or won. Both, I guess.

Me and Marti were double-edging in leaning-back reverse cowgirl, in her family room and never even heard her parents get home, just all of a sudden they were right there and we both popped, and Marti squirted and it hit her dad!

by insidiot May 29, 2019

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straight edge

straight edge is a lifestyle its all about keeping your head
straight & to not poison your body with alcohol, drugs, smoking & one night stands & just have fun with out that. straight edge began in the hardcore punk scene in the 1980s "Minor Threat" the very band who made the movement made a song called "Straight Edge" witch changed the lifes of alot of the punks who started to follow this lifestyle many of them decided to quit alcohol & drugs.
The band members who was Straight Edge at the time are no longer Straight Edge & that band was not a long lived band as for the members moved on to other bands.
The "X" symbol plays a big roll in the straight edge movement the very people who are in this movement mark an "X" on there hands to show that they are straight edge & proud of it!.
This straight edge movement did die out abit but later it came back late 80s/90s & such bands like "earth crisis" added veganism to it as well even no it was fine how it was befor..
The song straight edge by Minor Threat where is the part where they say dont eat meat???? WTF?..
Alot of the kids in the late 80s early 90s straight edge movement get in to a pack to jump a drunk on the streets & drug dealers keeping the streets safe so these straight edgers didnt think any better by attacking people by out numbering them but it has to be done one way or another they dressed less punk by chucking away there studded leather jackets & more well how could i put it hmm more gangsta like bandanas, Nike shoes, baggy pants, base ball caps some times the wrong way round, & a jock jacket with straight edge written at the back, & hoodies, it was more of a Youth Crew thing now but still straight edge was strong.
straight edge Hardcore music of the late 80s to early 90s had a less punk sound to more of a metal like sound.
The straight edge scene of the 2000s is still going strong but many people do not notice cause the posers have taken over it just looks like one big joke now these emo scene kids or whatever the f*ck you want to call them just ruin it these kids of today mark an "X" on there hand just to be trendy & they pose like a whore on myspace.com to grab attention its only a trendy thing to them yet they have sex with anyone like a whore does & that breaks the straight edge rules these emo scene kids who goes around saying there straight edge there called fake-edgers & if you see one just kick the living daylights out of them cause straight edge is a lifestyle not a trendy MTV thing.

straight edge is a lifeStyle.
I dont need alcohol & i dont need your f*ckin drugs & i dont f*ck everyone like a god damn whore you no its up to you if you wonna waste your life away but you'll see who lives longer :)
Im off now i have better things to do you can carry on fucking your head up.

by maria_la_Punk May 30, 2008

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ride the edge

The act of a white male suburbanite teenager doing something incredibly stupid. See jackass.

Push me down this hill in the shopping cart! I'll ride the edge like a mofo!

by Vash Westland November 4, 2003

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Edge Fuck

Used in fighting games such as "Super Smash Brothers" or "Soul Calibur" where there is a boundary. Edge Fucking defines an action when a person would smack an opponent out of bounds with an attack. People that masters the skills to Edge Fucking are usually considered more 1337 than someone that relies on Edge Guarding.

"Wow, Kirby's fan just edge fucked me off of the map!"

"Wow, Talim's throw down just Edge Fucked me off the map!"

by Kevin Ger June 7, 2006

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Sharp Edge

Dundee Punk band, consiting of 4 members. Their sound can only be described as a '70's tinged, supercharged rock 'n' roll punk band given a contemporary makeover.

Fast, punky, and explosive, with red hot guitar leads rising and falling over the stirring sea of riffs while the drummer really cuts loose driving it all headlong into infinity, the bass forming the glue that keeps it all together.

Exceedingly powerful, they nevertheless sound like a band you wouldn't let your daughter go out with!!

Sharp Edge - Darkness Is Calling - Frankenstein -

by NameOfTheWeekMusicians April 12, 2009

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Straight Edge

Somebody who doen't smoke, drink excessively or have sex with someone if it doesn't mean anything to them.
Lots of people think it means you don't drink at all but that's not true, people who are straight-edge do get drunk, they just don't LIVE for getting drunk, they don't go out every weekend and drink for the sake of drinking just because everyone else is.

1)I am straight-edge

by SiobhanG October 7, 2003

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