Am african American person who lives in the woods
Haha look at that forest spook, bet hes never step foot into the city before
A silverballs forest deer is a rare specie of deer that its very habitat is congruent to the polar north country of New York. You may spot this deer around the campus of Suny Potsdam but it is very quick and often frighten easily. It is also easily identified by its hoop earrings used for its distinct nature to attract handsome males. It feeds on ExtenZe plants grown by a local martian field plower named Morg. While very adjust to the cold climate, the Silverballs lives in a Boso dormitory that resembles Disney World.
Silverballs Forest Deer
This is a term used by dimwitted urbanites I've spoken with to describe the activity most people call "hiking ".
Tony : Me and my girl went camping up to the mountains the past weekend camping for 2 days
AJ: Did you guys do any forest walking?
Tony: ahhh, do you mean hiking? If so then yes.
AJ : oh yeah, I think that's what it's called!
Tony: yeah, it is. DUMBASS
A Virginia forest fire is when two girls scissor so hard their pubes start on fire.
Guy 2: What! Did they get hurt?
Guy 1: No but Mary lost an eyebrow!
Guy 1: Did you here Mary and Leah made a Virginia forest fire last night?
Guy 2: What! Did they get hurt?
Guy 1: No but Mary lost an eyebrow!
There is literally nothing here but a bandwagon pile of Mexicans that when you scream “ICE” they go flying
“Hey you been to Forest Ms?”
“Yeah bro someone screamed IcE and everyone went running”
Green Forest is one of the places on earth where you should not spend a minute in. There’s fuckin nothing to do, the stores here suck, and it’s so simple. But the people there are very nice a sweet, except all the crackheads there
“Hey do you wanna go to Green forest Arkansas tomorrow?”
“I don’t wanna get a nicotine addiction form those preteens today.”
A term for slaves. It means escaped slaves that run through forests to try and escape slavery.
Jacks parents are a bunch of forest fairy’s