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Split gate

a slang for defloration

"Do you jack off to split gate hentai?"
"the game has hentai?"
"no, split gate, it has a space in the middle, its a slang for defloration"

by itchywetscrotum March 11, 2022

Gate City

The straight up gutta of b'ham. A housing complex close to Oak Ridge Park and South Woodlawn. A hood where most shootings occour.

If you're visiting Birmingham AL stay outta Gate City

by dirtysoutherner March 9, 2017

Pulling A Gates

when someone becomes so crazily obsessed with someone they back stab their friends in order to spend more time with that person

By destroying all his friendships built up over many years, for the sake of being his girlfriend's bitch, josh was pulling a Gates.

by b-rainA May 11, 2010

Disaster Gate

Disaster gate is a collective that fucking flopped

T: Damn bro where’s Disaster Gate?

S: Idk man but they flopped

by November 21, 2021


Verb. To pull up in an open location set up shop, sell and market the product

Imma go to the spot and Player-Gate for a minute

by Player Gator May 19, 2017

Snob Gate

A gate that is used as an entry point to get into a rich neighborhood in order to qualify as a snob gate it must either have a voice entry or snobbier yet a security guard.

Snob 1: I feel so safe living in a gated community.
Snob 2: Yes, Indeed the snob gate keeps all the filthy peasants out.
Snob 1: Right! The other day one of the less fortiunate tried to make eye contact with me I should press charges

Snob 2: You should be carefull, Outside our walls crime is on every corner

Snob Gate Border Patrol Agent: Dont worry thats why im here to make sure none of the filthy get through.

by El_Slapo April 11, 2019

take gate

"Take gate" is a wordplay on "to take offense" (= take a fence), because offense sounds similar to "a fence".

He took gate when she talked about him. Why does he always take gate?

by tenderjoe May 17, 2010