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multi-gender theory

A theory used by people going through a life crisis that feel the need to be “different” from everyone else so they feel “special”, but don’t be afraid to call them a sensitive liberal snowflake, cause they are literally the same thing.

Dude 1: Have you heard of the multi-gender theory it sounds cool

Dude 2: Only if you want to be a Hillary supporter...

by jrunner03 August 12, 2018

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Gender fluid

If a person is identifying as gender fluid they are simply saying they identify as sperm or pussy juice.

Person A: Hello. I am gender fluid.
Person B: Oh, so you're sperm?

by Chickenwheel April 13, 2018

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gender envy

billzo, bill, zo.

Omg billzo gives me so much gender envy

by Thatmcytlover November 27, 2021

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gender segregated marriage

Gender segregated marriage is the marriage of two men or two women regardless of whether or not they are gay or straight. It refers to same-sex marriage (aka gay marriage) but is used instead to stress the lack of gender integration in same-sex households. This takes the focus off homosexuality and highlights the gender issues.

What do you think of gay marriage?

I'm sick of gender-benders pretending gender doesn't matter. Why should we pay for legal, social, and tax benefits for gender segregated marriage? They're just gonna sue us.

by friddaridda November 18, 2011

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gender is a social construct

A term invented by the LGBTQ Faggots to “try to win” an argument but then get proven wrong immediately.

Person 1: there are 2 genders
Person 2: “erm actually gender is a social construct”
Person 1: shut the fuck up pls

by ThordAntifag April 27, 2023

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A person that identifies as the opposite gender that identifies as the opposite

I’m a man that identifies as a woman that identifies as a man, I’m trans-trans-gender

by Dude man guy person September 29, 2021

11👍 18👎

attracted to both genders

someone who is bisexual but does not want to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community

A : I don't know I think he's bi-
B : He isn't he's just attracted to both genders
A : yeah bi-
B : (rereads the whole definition)

by banflimflam November 21, 2022

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