Source Code

break the glass

What a man does (by stamping on it with his foot) after the blessings at a Jewish wedding, as a commemoration of the Temple in Jerusalem, which was destroyed in 68 or 70 of the Common Era. The idea is that even at the peak of our joy, we have to acknowledge the sadness and evil that persist in the world.

"Wasn't it a beautiful wedding?"
"Yes, they're just perfect for each other."
"I know. When he broke the glass, I cried."

by ASAP June 2, 2005

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Stained Glass

The act of having a girlfriend/wife collect her period blood in a jar for a large amount of time, 6 months, 1 year, or even from first period to menopause. Once she is satisfied with her collection, the boyfriend/husband will squat the whole jar into his asshole, then wait until it breaks.

People actually do this shit called the "Stained Glass"

by awesome guy65242345 January 29, 2011

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Glass Pipe

Igniting a lighter under a man's balls while giving him a blow job.

She singed a few ball hairs last night while she was giving me a glass pipe.

by Marshall1090 February 5, 2015

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what kind of sad weirdo looks this up for fun. by the way itis a musical instrument.

by gandal June 9, 2003

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blowing glass

Smoking weed through a bong.

Dude, me and my friend Alec were blowing glass last night and we fell on our asses faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast.

by ItsTheDeveloper April 8, 2016

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hit the glass

smoke crack out of a glass tube

the guy gave me a pipe with a rock in it and with a gun to my head yelled "hit the glass whiteboy"

by ex-dopefiend July 19, 2006

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Glass Muffin

A "glass muffin" or also known as a "swan hole" is a contemporary but subtle meaning for a fragile female genitals. The male will try to inserts the penis into the female's glass muffin, but the vagina will just redden, bleed and shoot out stools.

Hal- Dude Jamie had a freking glass muffin when i was banging her.

Drew- Weak man.....

by SexFace69 April 25, 2010

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