When your boss is a Gill and you are being scolded by her...
WLE. Kena Grilled by the Gill again! Not my fault lor. KPY gave the wrong info.
The place for all things grilled and grubbed in style with fries on the side.
"I could Leon Grill through the week and still not regret."
The act of fellating another man’s penis so vigorously that the friction heats it up enough for it to be considered grilled
Man, Sarah went so hard on Tom that he’s got a classic case of Grilled Sausage!
The best burger place that’s got game.
Bro the Inskip Grill got game yo.
A fellatio given by a woman to a man who has covered his penis in Jalapeno extract. Typically, one would have a stranger (his name must be Phil,) masturbating in the corner.
Jill: I was giving Barack a Grilled Australian Pepper, but Phil looked way hotter.
Janett: You're a fucking slut, Jill.
When your panties are full of cum and lube
After sex I pulled up my panties I was grilled cheesing
when someone attacks you and they gotta leave you alone
hey you, hop off my grill