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Isaac blasphemy

The act of a person named isaac saying something disrespectful or rude to you.

Cmon isaac this is Isaac blasphemy you can’t say that

by b3omgyu April 15, 2023

Tobias Isaac hobson

Perhaps the squarest of all of the homosapian species yet still the most “nigger” like than anyone. He loves bogdan and the “school Gyat” that he holds very dear to his heart. He has a short temper and will be very quick to lash out at anyone. He is in love with men and has a wife by the name of lucian who his frequently gives rimjobs to. He also has an “antaena” which stick very high into the atnosphere

Damn is that THE Tobias Isaac Hobson, I think I’m gonna cum

by Tobiasenjoyer69 June 1, 2024

Isaac is a lesbian

Isaac might seem like a guy but is really a full blown lesbian. He is not even good looking.

Girl: did you here Isaac is a lesbian.
Girl 2: would not ever look in his direction now i definitely wont
Boy: yeah he's to gay to even hang with the other gays
Isaac: your a faggot
Boy 2: oh there he go's again trying to shift the blame

by ultrathiccestgirl March 7, 2019

Isaac Herzog


Did you see Germanhoolahoop!? Hes such a Isaac Herzog!

by Gabeeb October 28, 2023

Isaac Sharman

An incredibly obese individual that is known to roam his house for any scrap of food he can find.

me: "I just saw a really fat guy"
Friend:"must have been Isaac Sharman"

by Isaac_Shartigga June 11, 2022

Isaac Watson

Isaac Watson, the one to get the conveyor question right. Really good person and he's just the best in the world. Nice looking too.

Look there's an Isaac Watson!! What a beast.

by Random22namer November 23, 2021

Isaac Carter

Very attractive man, he is very talented and handsome.

Ryan: WOW! Isaac Carter is looking very sexy today!

Everyone: Yes

by Broski doski January 17, 2022