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Vagina Good

When a joke or something is so good that it is as good as a vagina feels..

Damn that was hilliarous. It was so funny it was vagina good.

by cscameron June 12, 2010

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No Good List

A list of individuals in bad standing with a prison gang. Synonymous with Bad News List or Hard Candy List.

Cornfed: That muthafucka Bubba dropped out, owes major G's, and was tellin'! His punk ass is on the No Good List!

by ZXY&ABC March 6, 2019

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u good

A way to tell somebody that their mistake is no problem

โ€žim so sorry for spilling icetea on uโ€œ

โ€žu good broโ€œ

by ballsaccc October 6, 2021

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For the common good

A term used by communists and socialists to push their agenda, such as saying that the lockdown is "for the common good."

"I know they say the lockdown is for the common good, but how could it be for the common good if it kills the economy?

It is also not 'to save grandma,' because otherwise they would let her see visitors in the nursing home. 'For the common good' seems communist to me."

by October 23, 2020

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good law

When a girl is attractive or hot, meaning you would have sex with her. Comes from the legal term "good law" usually when a case law has not been overruled by a higher or same level court and is still binding precedent.

A: Would you hit that? (referring to a girl)
B: Yea, she's good law!

by goodlaw October 18, 2011

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Good fight

Used as a extremely sarcastic gesture of good try and even sometimes is hard to describe.

"I tryed to change the oil in my car but I didn't even get past draining the oil"
"Good fight."

"This morning, when I got out of bed, my blanket tangled around my foot and I got caught up in it and fell!"
"Good fight.!"

by Phillip R October 22, 2008

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i'm good

1. to express fullness, or the moment of euphoria.

2. show content in declining a question

3. satisfied lifestyle

Them: Would you like to trade in your iPhone for the new Galaxy?

Her: i'm good

by Allwaze Wright III August 9, 2013

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