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Quite fugly , not as good as any of his cousins .and he Is as stupid as a donkey !:) small penis and waxes his genitals

Guy1-hey there bro like do u like cows milk or goats milk brosuf ?

Guy2-ya dude like totally cows milk , goats milk can get stank bro

Guy3-we are all like totally normal english speakers man , word

Guy4-.................................................................,.,,........................KEVIN ...

by Tbyguby March 9, 2017

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Basically a boy who prances around like a fairy and has a small unicorn like horn protruding from his head that resembles a penis which makes him a dick head.

Look at that unicorn, no wait it's just a Kevin.

by Publious76 March 14, 2017

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Kevin is better then Noah. Kevin has a bigger dick and can get more girls then Noah. Kevin hates Noah because Noah thinks he’s all that

Kevin is better

by He’s ugly November 25, 2018

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He will fuck you and it’ll feel like he’s fucking you with two cocks

Kevin has a huge cock

by Yo gynnn November 4, 2020

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Fuckboy, breaks up with you to date your bestfriend.

Dan: he broke up with
Jane:yea he is dating her best friend
Dan: he such a Kevin!

by HELLOTHERE July 15, 2016

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Kevin is a massive faggot who thinks he's funny but really isn't.

Dude, why is that faggot, Kevin, popping jokes? He's not funny.

by Dumbass2.0 October 20, 2013

14πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Speaks in kevinessee
You have to love kevinto understand him

But love and hate is a very thin line
If you have a kevin you will want to fuck him and beat him at the same time

Favorite thing for kevin to do is anything sexual and naked..
Best with his oral skills

Lies flow easy when he's pulling a kevin

You pulling a kevin on me?

by Mama king February 23, 2017

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