Lies is a beautiful and kind person. Always carries food with her to share. She is very special and only comes along once in a lifetime. If you come across a Lies, you'll definitely want to keep her. Don't piss her off though, she will bite.
I finally found a Lies, im so lucky!
Lies is usually a very good friend which also pairs with joris very well, lies are very delightful and pretty (especially with glasses). They will also carve for food and may sometime scream "REE" out of nowhere.
Persone1: here is lies eating a potato.
A beautifull girl with curly hair
You: Wow she is hot
Them: Yea it's lies
A beautiful Dutch originated name which means a funny and intelligent girl who is worth keeping. Amazing in the bedroom and in relationships
How was Lies?
She was amazing
The great things Urban Dictionary says my name means knowing it’s bullshit
I so badly need to believe the lies Urban Dictionary says my name means because I’m really suck
Sexiest and the most gay-est in class, mostly attracted to boys due to tons of rejection from girls, is very gay when playing games
Friends: Guy's there's a Thong Li in our class.
An expression of Nigerian origins. An individual who says he can do everything. But is deliberately preoccupied with insignificant things (like shopping, haircuts, cars) to the point where he has no time to try to do something -> thus never really knowing if he can do anything. In other words, one who takes comfort in not trying. Simply asserting their ability.
He's such a Me Twa Li. Talks the talk, without ever trying to walk the walk.