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its something you say when you have a temper tantrum. instead of yelling, you just say "meh" but you have to push something over to really give its effect.

mom: clean your room
son: no!
mom: okay then no video games until you do
son: MEH! (pushes over chair)

by mzbreezibaby May 31, 2010


Back when I was a kid (don't ask) we used to say " `eh " to express indifference; it was our equivalent of "whatever."

When I started seeing Millenials using 'meh' I didn't understand at first. Then I realized they had merely morphed the slang.

Is this OK?

by Snake Spirit March 8, 2019


Commonly used by 14-year-old British bitches on the Internet as a replacement for "me" in attempt to sound fancy and British. Other fancy-sounding variants include "ish", "dis", "mah", "fren" (friend).
These type of kids tend to overuse text emotes such as "XD" or ";-;" (crying face) to the point where you're contemplating suicide.

Me: Are you actually retarted?
14-year-old: Nuh! Meh ish not XD

by Kaiiiiii November 10, 2018


1.A word to be used to answer anything and everything. It holds the answer to the truths and it is an answer when you don't give two shits.

2. aa expression most black people use when they exert to much energy

damn ur tiring me out, meh

by tyrone Bigggguuumms! November 20, 2010


A word that can be said with any sentence. Can mean multiple things depending on how it’s said. Great comeback to someone:

Wow your a bitch


by Meh’am April 14, 2019


indifferent. To not mind/care.

'would you like to go to the movies?'

"Dude, your girlfriend just made out with me."

by Lucy J J August 30, 2009


1) when someone suggests something you don't like but you cant be rude, but you have to be quirky.
2) in other words: "shittiest idea i have ever heard"
3) you're feeling sad because you have school on monday and you'll have to wait another 7 days again for freedom, but you have to reply to your friend's worthless message.

Karen: "Hey, wanna hang out? My mum bought pizza Y'ALL.
Aren: "MEH."

by yeetus feetus 101 November 24, 2019