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1.Extremely depressing music to the point where it gets annoying.

2. Music you listen to after you find out your girlfriend/boyfriend's dead, your mom's a hooker and your dad's on crack/cocaine.

3. A form of music reserved for whiny little teenaged adolescents.

1. Oh my gosh! That kid is crying to dashboard, how fuckin emo can you get?

2. Well, my mom's a slut, my dad's a druggie and the love of my life is dead...emo is the only answer.

3. Wow, Johnny sure is a little bitch. What an emo whore.

by Syndee November 24, 2004

66๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emo is basically the bastard child of the Nu wave movement from the 80's, but worse. Emo kids tend to be depressed and annoying (not always mind you, there are all way exceptions). Most are cowards and will not fight their own fights but rather gather as many of their freinds as possiable to jump one person. They wear tight sweaters, girls jeans and converses. Recently they have taken to wearing bandana around their necks and faces. Oddly enough the Emo girls tend to look more like boys and the boys like girls.

Dude, those emo kids dress like fags.

by fire rayn June 28, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


The modern concept of "emo" was invented by bands such as My Chemical Romance. Fans (usually teenagers and people in their early 20's) of their music moulded themselves to fit the stereotype of a miserable, self-harming, depression lover. They dress in the outfits of the bandmembers they like, usually including clothing like black skinny jeans, scribbled-on converse all-stars, band t-shirts, black-rimmed glasses (even though most dont actually need to wear glasses) and conforming "cover-one-eye" dyed black haircuts.

Key differences between emos and people with genuine mood disorders (eg, clincal depression, dysthymia, bipolar disorder etc) is that they enjoy being depressed, they enjoy having the status of being a self-harmer because they want to fit in with the emo group.

For example, often it is the case that emos post images of their scars and even give other emos advice on how to self harm. Genuine depressives do not want to be miserable; they acknowledge how their lives have been damaged and would genuinely try anything not to have depression, even if it meant covering up their mental health problem in order to have a life.

Genuine self-harmers often cover their scars and most of the time they are only ever found out by mistake.

To emos, being depressed is something they like being because it lets them fit in with the emo crowd.

Q1:Why did you cut yourself?
Emo:I went on this cool site and the people on it said that if you're having a bad day cutting helps. Plus all my friends do it anyway.
A person with a geniune mental health problem:
I have no other way of dealing with my mh problems, I do it so I can get through them and live my life like everyone else does.

by liff123 September 30, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


poser ass wanna be bullshit.

emo:my girlfriend who ive known for three days dumped me, so im gonna go die.

by gisiamj May 1, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


unlike the many different opininated definition of EMO out there the correct one is EMOTIVE hardcore.
"Emotive Hardcore" music genre began to flourish in the late 80s, led by bands such as the likes of Rites of Spring. The term Emo was, believe it or not, a somewhat derogatory term used to put down fans of the new wave "Emotive Hardcore" bands. But, after a huge boom from the genre over the last decade and a bit, the term has been stolen by "stupid little boys who cry and wear eyeliner," as quoted from an article on barb wire so eloquently puts it. Now many teens who have never even heard of the word emotive or listened to real Emo music, claim "Emo" as their own.

so basically any so called "emo" has based there lifestyle on a farce when most dont even know what that kind of music is.It is just another stupid trend for people to be apart and excluded from. A "click" in otherswords they the "EMO kids phase" who believe themselves to be original when its obviously people just trying to fit in by following the trends like the sheep they are... Not following a trend that doesn't suit you means you are strong and aware of who you are. That's why only young teens are emo, they have no idea what's going on, or how lucky they are, they are insecure and have no self confidence, and so they fit in by not fitting in... it's a joke, but most grow out of it...
but basically its foolish to become something you don't even understand in the forst place so well done to all you emos out there well smart arent you being part of something so trivial.Oh and another thing about it bands such as MCR P!ATD and FOB are not in the emotive hardcore genre To be perfectly honest no actually emotive hardcore band exists today. Funny don't you think?

Emo is in fact a shortened term for Emotive Hardcore; the genre of music.

Emo is a music genre - nothing more. For those people that say that they're individual and emo well that's crap. every teen these days are trying to be "emo" it's not original. Start your own trends!

by Amy =P August 24, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who try hard to look asian.
The boys:
Usually have the hairstyle of the anime character Uchiha Sasuke.They try to be thin just like the asians and wear thick eyeliners to make their eyes look like the almond-shaped eyes of asians.They also dye their hair black to have the jet black hair color of the asian people.
The girls:
Look as thin and small as possible to look asian and dye their hair black and follow the haircut of most asian people "bangs".Most asian people have side swept bangs some are different.Emos try to make cute faces in the camera and show their "fake asian eyes" filled with eyeliners.They also try hard to look innocent just like the asians but they look scary and deep inside they are sluts.They keep their heads down and act shy like the anime characters and asian chicks.They follow harajuku fashion just change the colors the some put ribbons on their hair to make them look cute like the asians.
All of them are anime-obsessed,loves Pokemon and other animes that were already seen in asian countries for like 10 years ago.Some even try to speak japanese.

Emo girl:Do you think im hot?
Asian:Dream on poser!
What i meant by "poser" is people trying to be asian.

by ihateemos22 January 26, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. people who feel depressed about anything and resort to slitting their wrists as a way out.

2. used to describe such psychopaths but in a casual, joking manner.

1. "look at that loner over there, what an emo"

2. "damnit, im gonna turn emo"

by Tom215 August 5, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž