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bearded dragon

When the ball sack hangs low and instead of the balls resting on her chin, they sag down and press against her neck when receiving oral

He looked down to see that his balls were on her neck, causing her to look a bit like a bearded dragon

by rachiebabygirl January 13, 2007

94๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


aka snowbeard
Rich preppy kids whos parents pay $25,000 a year to buy their way into a good college. The boys sport lacoste polos with popped collars (collars down are for poor people) khakies, oaklys, north face, reefs and drive around in Mercedes and Range Rovers. The girls have so much Tiffanys hanging all over them they could open a store. She too will be wearing the shortest skirt she can find, lacoste with a popped collar also, birks or reefs, and talk with the worst Jersey accent ever driving in the Lexus SUV that Daddy bought her. Mobeard kids enjoy hanging in the ghetto and blasting rap music that they have no idea what it means. However, they also hold up their lighters and get stoned to Phish. Ditching class to catch sun on the quad results in a Saturday detention that everyone goes hung over to. For some reason they are all obsessed with Cluck U. Weekends are spent partying at someones house and crashing there for the night. Teachers, beware, dont give students attitudes or there surely will be a phone call from the parents waiting for you the next day.

Morristown Beard kids... the true definition of rich, preppy, suburbanites.

by snowbearder April 29, 2005

177๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž

throat beard

1. Fancy facial hair grown only on one's throat
2. What to grow when you lose a bet

1. Whoa! Look at that chick with a throat beard!
2. Man, the Lions lost again. Guess I'll have to grow a throat beard.

by Lamar69 August 8, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

wizard's beard

1. A man's beard consisting of the softest, fluffiest and whitest human hairs imaginable. Usually found on an elderly man's chin. Softer than a hamster. Requires of you to feel the hairs in a friendly way. In fantasy settings usually only Wizards have these types of beards, hence the name. Chinese people can grow these kinds of beards too, although the chin hairs grow 256x faster than the cheeks or sideburns. Incredibly rare in Atheist and to a lesser extent rare in Christian parts of the world. Other religions are more beard-friendly resulting in a greater chance of finding a man with a wizard's beard.

2. Can also refer to an incredibly bushy amount of pubic hairs. You can also find crotch crickets here on occasion.

1. Fu Manchu has such a nice wizard's beard. I just want to run my fingers through it and cuddle him.
1. Saruman II was cuddled and hugged by Ivan V in Imperial Russia and his wizard's beard was felt.

2. Last night my schlong got tangled in Roxanne's wizard's beard.
2. Yassin's wizard's beard has too much semen dried up in it. He should wash it or else he'll have crabs.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood February 5, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

bearded biscuit

hairy camel-toe pussy

i banged that bearded biscuit out.

by slugger666 November 15, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bearded Shit

A bearded shit is when a bearded face is pushed into an unexpectedly stationary dwarfs ass with the resulting pressure causing some beard whiskers to get stuck to shit

Why did he stop moving? I could have ended up a bearded shit

by The Mystery Writing Monkey March 29, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

osama's beard

when your pubic hairs are longer than your penis

shave osama's beard and your dick will look longer

by lawrence55rolb October 21, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž