Sometimes I think that white people are confused on the issue. There has been a lot of diatribe about the word and no real conclusion. So I will break it down, you can not appreciate the power of the word unless you entire history and ancestry was based upon and can be categorized in a single word slave. Jewish people can appreciate this fact because of the persecution the felt during WWII, but the rest of you, don't think you really understand. It is said that 6 million Jewish people died in the holocaust, FYI twice as many died in slavery. Slavery brought about the word so there is so much negative feelings attached to it that to grossly generalize it as a word that means only what Webster says it is, is a slight on everyone that fought for civil equality. Now the word Nigga, that is a different story in itself, that word is meant to be used by niggas' and niggas' only. GET IT, so white boys and girls if think about using the word don't, take it out of your vocabulary, cause it wasn't meant for you like cornrolls, du-rags, and just actin hood in general. Take my advice just do you.
Every body want to be a NIGGA but nobody want to be a NIGGA
-Paul Mooney
white boy on Halo, screaming out NIGGER this and NIGGER that. Asking every black person on the sticks "Are you a NIGGER" going into the lobby after the game calling you and your boys NIGGERS'
This is the future of America.
For all those that play online you know what I am talking about.
Being a NIGGA isn't something you can manufacture it is innate ( born with it ).
15๐ 53๐
Nigger a word used for describing afro caribean people this term is now racist and should not be used anymore although it is still used amoung some silly ignorant blacks. The use of th e term by a white person is a reminder to black people what they endured in slavery. The use of this term by anyone form another race could cause even a jail sentence I have warned you guys dont call them this word lets treat people with respect right? Words like paki are used to describe indian people.
'Oh God those niggers!'
'I dont know him, oh yeah dat nigger down the road'
75๐ 324๐
A made up name for blacks with harsh connotation that blacks flipped into a word ('nigga' in its colloquial form) of endearment yet whites still regard it as some sort of trump card against blacks however no one is offended by it.
white guy: to black guy "sup nigger?"
black guy: hey whitey
white guy stares open mouthed
4๐ 10๐
A nickname for a black person. A bad word to call someone with black skin. Their skin color dosent matter and contrary to popular belief they are quite intelligent.
65๐ 283๐
Any able-bodied individual, regardless of color, race, or national origin, who believes that society owes them a living.
You wanna see some White Niggers? Watch "Honey Boo Boo" next week.
4๐ 6๐
A NON racial word used for a ignorant person of ANY color and anyone but people theses days are ignorant for useing it in the non propper way.FYI
its not right if black people can say it to each other but if a white or non black party says it that its wrong. if not all parties can say it then NO ONE should be saying it.because thats favortisum. and you do not see white ppl calling eachother white trash and crackers and rednecks. so black people do not need to be going around calling each other niggers. and fyi to all you ignoarnt black folk. GET OVER YOUR SELF every race has had their fare share of problems. grow up.
stop being a nigger and use your mind.
5๐ 15๐
the word is not to go to just black people there is a differance between a black person and a nigger. A nigger can be anyone in the world of any race
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