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WOKE boys

Derived from: woke, definition;alert to injustice in society, especially racism.
"we need to stay angry, and stay woke"
These are individuals actually passionate about and dedicated to a life fighting social injustice

"Them be some WOKE boys"

by Ctg542503 October 10, 2020

Schrödinger's Wokeness

When conservatives decided what is “woke” based on if it is successful or not like when the Barbie movie released people said it was woke but then when it made a billion dollars people decided it wasn’t

Person1: ew the Barbie movie is about feminism it will have a 70% drop of on the second week go woke go broke person 2: we will see about it. 1 week later. Person 2: the Barbie movie just became Warner bros. Highest grossing film so much for go woke go broke. Person 1: actually it was not that woke. Person 2: omg you are an example of Schrödinger's Wokeness

by Nooneknows69420 August 29, 2023

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Schrödinger's Wokeness

The belief that all forms of pop culture have always been "woke" while they are also simultaneously in need of being "updated for modern audiences".

Person 1: Dude, everything is always been woke! But we also need to change them so that nobody today gets offended.
Person 2: Sounds like Schrödinger's Wokeness: everything always was - and never was - woke. smh...

by ClownWorld20XX April 10, 2024

woke ahh

something that is woke

I can’t buy clothes at target for my kid because they make woke ahh shirts

by Kanye Southeast May 31, 2023

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Fake wokeness. It's what basically ruined the term "woke".

Examples of pseudo-wokeness:

Calling very small things that aren't even racist "racist" for no real reason.

Discriminating against white people, men, and straight people, thinking it'll "counter" the discrimination against people of color, women, and LGBTQ+ members that happened in the past and the present.

Any sort of corporate pandering

Doing any of the examples of pseudo-wokeness shown here won't fix the fire that is bigotry. It'll just create another "anti-fire" (which is really just another fire) that'll burn down society even more and possibly even strengthen the pre-existing fire.

by Silicosis9324 April 16, 2023

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earth woke

An individual that is highly perceptive regarding the current state of the world. Generally practices a lifestyle of being mindful, ecofriendly and aware of their current carbon footprint inpact to the earth. Typically avoids shopping at large e-commerce stores or corporations and prefers smaller niche retailers at three times the cost. Diet is usually vegetal leaning or fully vegan. Clothes are typically thrifted or bought from expensive small business retailers.

Selectively expensive in some things such high quality products for aesthetics but serves no ergonomic function.

Don't you think Kelly is so earth woke? She just bought a compost machine and that blue land soap. She really loves the environment.

by boardgamebender January 26, 2022


N. To spew profound and enlightening concepts in order to appear woke so that a female will give up her vagina as an offering to the cause.
Adj. Describing a dude that becomes woke when hot females enter the area

Noun- “He is so good at acting like he is woke and getting all the hot girls to sleep with him He is definitely pussy-woke.”

Adj. He doesn’t give a shit about the cause, but he can sure make all the females climb into his bed with his profound bullshit. He is one pussy-woke dude.

by Yellow card November 9, 2021

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