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getting wasted, walking home alone, losing everything in your pockets and puking until noon the following day

that poor guys gonna get peter-drunk tonight

by savior12011 December 4, 2011

Cannoli Drunk

The act of getting so ridiculously drunk that your friends will recount your antics for longer than you are comfortable with.

Dude, you were so belligerently drunk last night you were throwing cannolis at the dinner party.

I got so Cannoli Drunk at the concert that I thought the hot dogs afterwards were delightful.

I had enough beers to be so Cannoli Drunk that I passed out on a picnic table at the local hillbilly raceway.

by Beerisgood May 7, 2015

bathroom drunk

The level of drunkenness that has you hugging a toilet puking for ages and eventually passing out on the bathroom floor.

Person 1:"Was Mindy drinking last night?"
Person 2: "Are you kidding? Mate she got bathroom drunk"

by Shevvi November 2, 2014

Movie Drunk

The stumbling, disoriented feeling that overcomes a person attempting to negotiate the crowded exits of a darkened movie theatre.

Larry acted like a Movie Drunk as he clumsily held on to the railings while trying to exit the pitch-black theatre.

by KEKO_JONES September 5, 2011

joy drunk

drunk like behavior displayed by non-drunk people who are so overjoyed about whatever it is they temporarily can't control themselves, and therefore can't behave according to socially prescribed norms.

the only time people are probably allowed to be joy drunk is either right after the birth of their child or when the heir to a royal family is born.

by Sexydimma May 2, 2015

Drunk Drops

(v) - This is a phenomenon caused by the ingestion of copious amounts of alcohol. It will be recognized by someones inability to perform the simplest of tasks without dropping whatever is in the subsequent hand.

Tommy tried to open the door and dropped his phone, when he bent over to pick up his phone he dropped his lighter. He's got the drunk drops.

by Dawg of War January 21, 2012

drunk memed

The art of sending a meme while drunk to another person you would not talk to sober

Girl I was so tipsy last night I drunk memed my ex Chris.

by Chasert22 January 18, 2018