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The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales

A 2017 French animated comedy film. It's based on a book, and very obscure. It has three stories, all based around the animals of a farm and their interactions.
French: Le Grand Méchant Renard et autres contes

"I think the Big Bad Fox and Other Tales is underrated."
"Why do you like it?"
"I like the style of the cartoon animals, and it's pleasant to watch. There's an English dub, too."

by The Koopa Named Lemmy November 21, 2021

tweet others as you want them to tweet you

A banal expression born of the women's movement in hopes that President Trump would possibly think a bit of his mindless use of Twitter.

``We hope that all would tweet others as you want them to tweet you.''

by tirtle January 21, 2018

Other Bed

A nickname for your Minecraft gf/bf (also usable: second bed)

“Want to hang out later?”
I can’t, I have a date with my other bed

by Qicard May 21, 2020

Let some other honeydew that

What you say when asked to perform an especially arduous/lengthy/boring task on your significant other's "honeydew list".

It's a good idea to cultivate as many opposite-gender friendships as possible --- not only will all of those other folks feel happy and grateful for your spending "quality time" wif dem, but it will also probably provide you wif a number of willing helpmates, and so there will likely be more chances of your actually having someone else to turn to if your main squeeze occasionally says, "Let some other honeydew that".

by QuacksO August 23, 2022

glenn and the other couple of fellas

some cool badass mothafuckas that know how to rock ,get pussy, and tear shit the fuck up. They follow their boy glenn the lead basser (a badass mothafucka that know how to bass) in hopes to become the greatest fucking rock band of all time!!!!!!

"yo dude did you go to that rock show last night glenn and the other couple of fellas took over the stage and liz flashed her tits."
"yeah dude that shit is so fucking badass"

by Saturdaay February 2, 2022

Racial Othering

Racial othering is when white people are treated as the norm, while Black, Indigenous, and people of color are treated as “different.”It stems from a phenomenon called the white default, which defines white people as the standard for behavior, appearance, and culture.

Source: Racial Wellness, a book by Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu Iyamah

It bothers me when people ask me "Where are you REALLY from?" It's a form of racial othering.

by Racial Wellness September 19, 2023

Other women

The worst feeling to exist. That feeling that you’re always the second choice. The feeling where, no matter how hard you try, there’s always that one bitch who gets what she wants. Overall there is someone else out there your crush likes!

“I‘m always other women

by jo mama26 March 30, 2023

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