A real CLOSET CASE as he has way more when he STINKS.
Thr only way people are going to come back as you have to have a LEI POD ONFICE which after COVID C0R0NA A DELTA, OMNICRON, DELTACR0N as the OFFICE is forever OFF but that one is being equipped with REASONSBLE SIZES where you are WELCOMED T0 RELAX etc on your LONG CONTRACTED BREAK.
An upside down , tripod (0of gymnast ), pose The Girlscout would do , Back when it was the Wayward house for crackers.. Back when Shawty was the shit... When Honky frieds and dysfunctionals , S k g's, The Saint, and so many more were the web...
Be careful frog podding, so you don't fall off the edge.
An infamous dance move created by a promiscuous Latina; it was created to lure African American men with mouths full of gold.
"Yo that girl is so nasty! She's tripoding on the dance floor. She's a Tri•pod
When a bucha dam trains go on the same rail and hit a wall
shii what just happened?
man thats a pods in the pea
Group of 5 guys who create a group become a Star Pod.
2 guys wanted to join the tripod which made the group into a Star Pod!