The mixture of a milligram of chapstick to a liter of free sexual lubricant and vegetable oil in a pressure chamber with a ramset nailgun blanks sealed inside with a remote detonation device.
Use plastic wax to deflower your enemies
Plas·tic Par·ty.
/ˈplastik/ /ˈpärdē/
A social gathering of invited guests, of the same sex, typically only women (or of the same sex), involving eating, drinking and entertainment. Normally gifts are given upon arrival, and are themed "plastic toys" gifts, then drinks, and some enjoyment. Those who come are getting together to enjoy some, "Plastic Toys Fun". Hence, "Plastic Party". This can include everything from drinking, smoking weed, male and/or female strippers, lewd party games and some form of truth or dare. The women present usually get partially or fully nude and masturbate together. This may or may not lead to the women having sex together but the defining activity in a Plastic Party is female group masturbation. Think of it as type of bachelorette party.
(See Also: Tupperware party)
"Hey, have you heard that a bunch of nurses from the 3rd floor are having a Plastic Party this weekend end? I'm going to go!"
"Can I come?"
"No, it's only women. Do you know what a Plastic Party is?"
"I guess not."
"It's when women get together to enjoy some, "Plastic Toys Fun". Normally gifts are given upon arrival, then drinks, and some enjoyment. Think of it as a bachelorette party, but I don't think that they're inviting any strippers. Oh, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!"
"I think I'm getting excited thinking about it, too. Okay, thanks for sharing. Have fun. And remember to take plenty of pictures!"
"Oh, I will!"
An American (or Canadian) of Latino descent, mainly Mexican. This refers to Latinos who base their entire identity around Mexican "culture" that was developed through American TV shows, movies, music, pop culture and slang. Most of them are unlikely to speak Spanish and will often use programs like Google Translate to communicate with native-born Latin Americans.
Similar to Plastic Irish, they've never visited the home country their ethnic origins originated from and merely just identify with a flanderized/glammorized version of their parents or grandparents culture. Plastic Latinos mainly draw their influence from Black and Native activist groups, those that originated in the latter half of the 20th century. Most of them believe in the La Raza ideology which pushes to reunite the Southwestern US with Mexico and in some cases, the Midwest, Rockies and British Columbia as well.
Plastic Latinos can be found commonly in Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey and more recently in states like Idaho and Utah. They also exist in major cities too like in Chicago or NYC.
Plastic Latino: Go back to your home country mang, Mexico ain't for no Gringos!
Other person: You were born and raised in Chicago though
1. Like it's imagery, plastic bouquets is a declaration of love that is cheap and somewhat insincere.
2. Plastic bouquets are acts of love that are cheap or easy and thus do not have the meaning they are intended.
Showing up at her doorstep in the middle of the night was sweet but she couldn't help feeling as if it was all plastic bouquets.
Despite his sincere and desperate love, his actions all seemed like a plastic bouquet and he was left brokenhearted.
noun. usually a clear plastic used to combine six (6) aluminum drinking cans by the top. extremely useful yet commonly overlooked for having any value. also has a negative aspect related to littering, which threatens the environment (fish, small animals, ect.)
bro 1: yo hand me that six pack
bro 2: here bro 1 (grabs six pack by plastic rings and passes the six pack to bro 1)
bro 1: thanks bro 2
A politician with so much makeup and wax that he looks like plastic
That fucking Lindsey Graham is a true plastic head