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pop music

1. Utter corporate shit that the men in suits push on the public in order to dumb down the populace. It is manufactured to the max by some "songwriters" in Europe who think music can be put together like Lego sets - I could write better lyrics and music than what's on these "songs" when I am STONED. Pop music acts concentrate more on their looks, sexuality and choreographed dance moves. ALL of those teenybopper pop acts suck out the unwashed ass. The fucking Spice Girls started this trend of trash about 10 years ago and the public have been sheep ever since. We need a punk-like rock and roll movement to bring music back to the people.

2. A chart-topping new wave hit for M in late 1979.

1. Quit playing that Britney Spears crap! She can't sing. Here. Play this U2 CD instead. U2 rocks. That Britney Speares CD ain't good for nothing except for use as a frisbee, and then you should fling it in the fucking trash can.

2. ... New York London Paris Munich everybody talk about pop music
talk about pop music, talk about pop music
shimmy shimmy doo-wop pop pop shoo-wop...

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 1, 2006

516πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Pop rocket

Penis, male genitals.

Girl jump on my pop rocket

by askagainplease December 8, 2011

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

multiple pops

It's been used in deecribing escort's different seevices offered. Basically it means, multiple time cum is allowed per session

Can our session includes multiple pops, cause i am bit quick at first time around

by Neighbor hood folk January 1, 2018

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

barley pop

another name for my good friend "beer"

I'm quite parched and could use another barley pop.

by Steve January 3, 2004

170πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

pop music

an evil satanic form of music,if u would call it that ,that is simply a ploy by company's to make money, the main method used to brainwash people into buying this crap is by employing good looking people(most likely once homeless) to sing the songs written by the company songwriter preying on teenage girls who somehow believe in their minds that they will one day marry,go out with or have a kinky one nite stand with the artist

absolute useless music that ruins good music like punk and metal and im white and i respect rap music a million times more that rap
cheers ive said my peice

simple plan,backstreet boys(who r now at number 2 i believe thats fuked up)N"SYNC, nelly,britney spears, and n e person involved with idol and finally n e of you speds that r involved in the scam

by Isaac Teague August 2, 2005

285πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

King of Pop

This was the title given to the late Michael Jackson, forever the King of Pop. Jackson earned the nickname β€˜King of Pop’ after a comment from Elizabeth Taylor.

Officially there is no monarchy for music, and hence no line of succession. Musical monarchies are just a marketing title and have nothing to do with a ruling class of any sort.
Although Jackson successfully filled this title, becoming the most renowned pop star of all time, Kanye West has jumped next in line to claim the title, for some bizarre reason.

Michael Jackson is and will always be the King of Pop.

First there was Elvis, then there was Michael, now in the 21st century its Kanye’s time to rule... I am the new King of Pop.

by Epocode August 3, 2009

234πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

pop a trace

When you make an okay symbol with your hand to symbolize everything is all good.

Just fell on the floor .. pop a trace

Just pissed myself .. pop a trace

by raquelleXD October 1, 2013

84πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž