The manoeuvre performed by most self-respecting men after they piss. Involves shaking ones dick so that all excess piss is removed.
“Hey man I just went for a piss but forgot to do a Jonny Shake so now I have a piss spot on my boxers”
A slang term for a fake seizure. Could be considered racist by 2021 standards.
Doctor: "looks like you have case of the Harlem shakes."
Patient: *shakes harder* "but I'm have a seizure"
Doctor: "If you were really having a seizure you wouldn't be able to talk"
A type of dance going viral on the Internet. One person starts dancing like an idiot and more people join in.
Let's do the Harlem Shake!
On the streets shaking that bag often means you got a oz of weed or drugs anything you put in baggie so you say I'm shaking that bag of example...
Lexi: Hey B i bet you don't got no weed do you? :B what you mean I been shaking that bag girl
A thick creamy bitter Sweet medicinal mixture of freshly squeezed breast milk and ejaculated semen, which is then blended together and stored at room temperature until it sours, that has been proven to stop chronic complaining by inducing vomiting followed by hysterical laughter. It can be taken orally or used as a skin cream.
Side effects may include frequent urination, vomiting, highly contagious rashes, itchy skin lesions, blindness or blurred vision if it makes direct contact with the eyes, and pregnancy if misused as a vaginal suppository.
The lines for the complaint departments have become so backed up we've had to switch from sympathizing or trying to resolve issues, to administering large doses of a cumplain shake.
When you are doing anal, right before you climax , you put it in their mouth
You ever have truffle butter}? Well try this {protein shake!
v.t. to "mainline" low grade black tar heroin, usually in the men's room of a trainstaion with ditry toilet water
"dude, some asshole was shaking murphi in there." -or- "umm. . . . lets pawn the T.V. . . . . . so we can shake some more murphi."