Source Code

dead sleep

1. A sleep without dreams.

2. A state of heavy sleeping despite the loud environment.

guy1: Hey man, you alright. I saw a guy chokeslam another guy on you while you were asleep at the party.
guy2: Oh that happened? I must of had been "dead sleep".

by UnknowableOne April 8, 2016

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Sleep Unit

A term used to describe the amount of time between when a person wakes up and when they go to sleep. It it useful when pulling all-nighters, or if your schedule is shifted and you are frequently awake late at night. It is more accurate to use this term if you frequently get your days mixed up, as it is often confusing to describe your "morning" or your "night" when you have witnessed many of them in a single sleep unit.

I haven't slept in 36 hours! I've written an 8-page paper, eaten 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and seen a movie, all in the same sleep unit!

by driver0612 January 6, 2011

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Sleeping Together

Having a spiritual union of sleeping through the class together in a collective way.

The classroom was sleeping together at the 19th Century Poetry class.

by INDEKILLA April 11, 2018

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Sleep Watch

The act of watching a movie or television show while dozing or out right sleeping.

I totally sleep watched the nightmare before christmas tonight. All I remember is the song from christmas town ><!

by Post-Mortem666 October 13, 2008

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the act of texting someone when your more asleep than you are awake and you have no idea what your saying; you usually don't remember the conversation the next day; similar to drunk texting

friend 1:heyy man you still up??

friend 2:hweytbj

friend 1:huh?
------------next day------------------
friend one: what was up with you last night bro?

friend two: whatddya mean i was asleep by eleven.

friend one: i texted you last night and you sent me some kinda wierd shit.

friends two: sorry man musta been sleep-texting agian.

by therocket4445 June 9, 2010

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Sleep Terrorist

Someone who feels it is their mission to deprive you of the freedom to get good, restful sleep. Sleep terrorist are usually children, but can also be thoughtless adult azzholes who just don't seem to give a f**k.

I don't know why I even had kids. They're nothing but a bunch of sleep terrorists.

by Sleepy D February 24, 2010

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you're sleep

The act of being left out of a trend or popular opinion.

The act of telling a person that they are not in the "know how" or "missing out" on something .

"Hey did you hear the new album? "
"Yeah but I didn't like it."
"Omg you're sleep"

by 1-800-HOTLINEBLING October 13, 2015

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