noun- A person, usually a teenager or kid, who follows the mainstream just to fit in with others.
Most likely not know who they are, what they are doing, and not know what they are going to do later.
They tend to act differently in different occasions and/or groups.
See also Mainstream Whore.
This boy at my old Elementary was a regular boy. He has changed ever since he was introduced to Raves, Hardcore Music, Scene Hair, and lights. He has never been the same ever since. What a Mainstream Kid.
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describes a person who has a celebrity father that he or she has never or rarely met. Named after famed baseball player Steve Garvey and his fathering of multiple children from extramarital affairs.
My friend Jim is the son of R&B legend Screamin' Jay Hawkins. He's totally one of garvey's kids.
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A youtube series where children under 12 are given an old object that was widely used before their generation. Usually the kid has a negative opinion towards the object but on a rare occasion there is a positive reaction. The most infamous episode would be their reaction to the Nintendo Gameboy due to them saying they felt sorry for people back in the day. That episode enraged numerous people who grew up with the Gameboy.
Person 1: Hey did you see Kids react to gameboy?
Person 2: Yeah and it pisses me off that these little shits are insulting such a great system in preference to a fucking ipod.
Person 3: I am so angry that now I want to burn down an orphange and shove an itouch up all of those kids' asses!
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A gacha kid is a child that plays gacha life and makes pornagaphic, and usually offensive content. They usually fake depression.
Damn I like her but she's a gacha kid so she's super irresponsible
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An amazing band. They have come sooo far and I will always love them. They have an amazing fanbase. They are some of the nicest guys ever and they always know how to have a good time and connect with their fans and they always stay down to earth. Also the band members are extremely attractive ;) The memebers are Ricky Ficarelli, David Michael Frank and Jose Mostajo
Chloe: Do you know who King The Kid is?
Emily: Aren't they that amazing band? They have some awesome music!
Jessica: Yeah and all of the memebers are SOOO hot!
Alli: KTK? Yeah. I'd tap that
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aka "Children of the KoRn". A die-hard KoRn fan. They liked them before See You On The Other Side, and they support the band 100%. The music has helped them get through very hard times in their lives and mabey even saved them. A KoRn Kid is mostlikely on BSC or the KoRner. They're not nesceserily obsessed with Jonathan or anyother members. KoRn Kids are true to the band for life.
Shellz is the awsomest korn kid ever!
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An american rapper who originated from CLeveland. He writes some of the sickest lyrics out there. He plays great live shows and is the real deal. Kid Cudi's music is easy to relate to and chills ppl out, it is also great party music. O and dont forget it is great to listen to when you are getting high. I recommend listening to down and out, cudi zone, and up up and away. His music is great and you can actually understand what he is saying while he raps. he should be recognized as one of the best artists out there.
dude: Dude i just saw KiD CuDi at Purdue last friday!!!
other dude: O man you are so lucky KiD CuDi is one of my favorites! How was it!
dude: It was so great he played all of his hits and his older songs from his mixtapes!!! B.o.B was there too n he teared up! But man KiD CuDi's music is so smooth AND deep.
other dude: We should go smoke a blunt and listen to some pursuit of happyness!
dude: HELL YEA!
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