Using college, or "high speed" words in normal conversation in an attempt to sound smarter than you really are.
Dude! Did you just quote Edgar Allan Poe??? I think he just Barnes and Nobled me!
The annoying fucker in the group, most likely with a mentall illness. People act like they like him just so he doesn't feel bad.
1: Oh shit bro the Barn is comming! What do we do?
2: Just act like we were just about to go home and come to my place!
A word used to replace any noun, verb, curse, or adjective with the word Barn.
What the barn?
That's totally barn wild
Sorry I took so long bro, I was barning
We smoked to much barn dust last night
I'm so barned out from that dab
The action of attending a place or event, especially in the sense that it should be near max capacity. Synonymous with "pack the barn".
Lakers play a huge game on Saturday night. We have to barn the Staples Center!
person 1- HI, how are u doing
person 2- BARN
person 1- ??
person 2- b a r n