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Attritional Beauty

When at a party, the less pretty people become more attractive due to the departure and rapid pairing off of the more attractive people.

When 2am rolls around and the fat girls are looking tastey, it's because of attritional beauty. Similar to beer-goggles.

by Torklugnutz June 4, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Body Beautiful

Body Beautiful is a club for fat people who subscribe to the notion that it is societyโ€™s fault that they are unattractive. Rather than set foot inside a gym, they choose to appear on MTVโ€™s โ€œReal Life: Iโ€™m happy to be fatโ€ and create a campus club in a convoluted scheme to win a date.

โ€œHey, you doing anything for dinner?โ€
โ€œLetโ€™s go crash the Body Beautiful Club meeting- you know theyโ€™ll have free foodโ€

by Ezra the Tiger February 4, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Center of Beauty

Jeon Jungkook of BTS

The Director of Korean Language Research Institute mentions how Jungkook is one of the persons, helping redefine the hegemonic/westernized beauty standards. โ€œJungkook is replacing the beauty of James Deanโ€.

Many have praised Jungkook for his unique fashion style that always ends up becoming a trend. Fashion Icon Jungkook proves himself to have an extraordinary sense of style, whoโ€™s redefining beauty standards.

Jungkook - Center of Beauty

by Admin office January 12, 2021

499๐Ÿ‘ 199๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold beauty

A beautiful person who has attractive character that gives off a confident vibe and somewhat cold impression.

Daisy with her urban chic vibe and her excellent fashion sense earned her the cold beauty title.

by ahga7 November 29, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beautiful Cat

someone who gives off a lot of love to the point of romance, you really want to be around them; usually directed at jazz musicians

Man, that new trumpeter from Italy sure seemed like a beautiful cat from our jam session yesterday.

by ThatGentleman October 6, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

beauty eyes

Beauty eyes are when u are fucking your girl so hard that her beauty eyes are rolling

Man1:hey where you yestarday?

Man2: man I was fucking my girl so hard her beauty eyes was coming out

by RunningWithScissor December 26, 2019

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beauty sleep

Amount of sleep which is needed for a person to look good when he or she gets up in the morning.

Cuddy: You look like hell! Are you sick?

House: I'm fine. I just didn't sleep last night. And here, you probably thought that 'beauty sleep' is just a woman's term. Sexist pig."

by sysonpyh July 2, 2009

204๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž