Source Code

Ice sex

the process of stimulation via ice or enchancing intercourse via the use of ice. For example using ice on a woman's clit or insering ice into the vagina and having intercourse.

by M.R. March 22, 2003

82πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

lemon ice

code for a hot asian girl

Jack: "dude check it out. lemon ice 3 o' clock"
Ernie: "oh damn you're right!"

by CooCooCoo January 18, 2006

73πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

ice grill

This is a term originating from jail. An aggressor would "ice grill" his victim before shanking him. It is a jailhouse cold-blooded stare that is supposed to strike fear into the soul of your victim, to let him know that it is officially 'on.' When someone ice grills you for real, you will know it, and you will know its about to go down! It will let you know that you're about to get your throat slit while you're drinkin' your milk.

Aye, some of them Aryan dudes are ice grillin' you, watch your back in the mess hall.

by brooklyn killa September 8, 2006

381πŸ‘ 176πŸ‘Ž

cigars on ice

Cigars on ice is a phrase used to describe a man taking a cold shower to relieve his boner. Cigar=boner; on ice=cold shower

BeyoncΓ©'s song "Drunk in Love"

Cigars on ice, cigars on ice.

by Sexiichic December 31, 2014

503πŸ‘ 236πŸ‘Ž

Vanilla Ice

Vanilla Ice was the first famous white rapper with his first single 'Ice Ice Baby' being the biggest selling record ever, selling over 17 million copies.

Although the fame was short lived, the Ice man influenced many white rappers today, Ice was the first white man to have the balls to do what was mainly considered black only music.

He now is a heavy metal singer, but still does his rapping. On his latest album, bi-polar, the first half of the album is metal, the second being rap. Featuring ICP on one track.

Most people who defined the ice man dont know what they are talking about, saying he influenced wiggers is wrong because he was around while most of these people were still wearing nappies and probaly listened to him.

Vanilla Ice influenced many white rappers today, as most didn't have the balls to try black music.

by Toby September 30, 2004

859πŸ‘ 418πŸ‘Ž

beast ice

The manliest tasting beer in the world. If you drink this delicious beer then you most definitely are a man.

Dude is that guy drinking beast ice?

Yea he must get all the biddies.

by saggy titties 44 April 29, 2011

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Ice Climber

When a gay man's full beard gets ejaculated on by many men, making it appear as if he has icicles in his beard like he had been exploring in the arctic.

After seven guys popped their loads on Chuck's beard, he looked like an ice climber.

by CocoSantango August 17, 2010

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž