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Yellow panther

yellow panther Crazy Asian Smart but completely bad ass , Will fuck shit up like Bruce Lee

Damn yellowpanther fucked up that white boy

Asians can fight like Bruce Lee Brilliant Asians with little wangs works hardcore like a pencil

Don’t fuck with the Yellow Panther

by CHAPOVATO February 17, 2019

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Yellow soda

A slang term for crack cocaine. The mixture of powder cocaine and baking soda often has a yellow tint to it, leading to the name yellow soda.

Me: "Hey Deron, how did you burn your fingers?"
Deron: "I was whippin that yellow soda cuh."

by TreyLA June 23, 2016

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neon yellow

A bright color worn by people who are not happy with who they are

Used for attention

Worn by Nathans

1. See that guy wearing neon yellow, no one like him.

by TheBrooklynSteamer November 17, 2014

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Yellow seagull

A yellow pill or roll that is often sold in the rave/club scene. They are sold as e, but often contain an analogue of LSD or piperazine so that they're made cheaply. If someone tells you they're selling yellow seagulls, you're probably in for a hell of a night.

If it's a compressed pill, chances are it's not MDMA.

"What was in the yellow seagull you sold me?"
"No way, I'm tripping balls!"

by sillyseagull January 16, 2012

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Yellow Oblong

Green spider’s partner in crime.

Have you heard about Green Spider and Yellow Oblong?

by This was actually 2013 but ye April 23, 2020

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Yellow Tulips

Flowers you give to the gorgeous woman you love. They signify the affection, love, and care all in one package.

I gave Veronica yellow tulips because I love her.

by Niko101 January 18, 2011

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Yellow City

SouthEast... MIAMI!!! bitch!!!

Benzino: "Yellow City... Yeah"

by KeyserNitro May 10, 2005

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