Noun. A spiked tire is the outcome of what happens when a 3 person date goes south and creates a third wheel. When the two others get increasingly close, the third wheel will become extremely jealous, and bring physical harm to the part of the couple who is the same gender.
After the date, Albert beat up Roger because Roger was spending too much time with Jessica. He was becoming more of a Spiked Tire every day.
A tired asshat is someone that does the same old thing, the same old clothes, the same way of life when he was trending. And doesn't give a rats ass about the fact that he needs to up his game.
Kevin Federline is such a tired asshat he doesn't realize that that might be the reason why Britney left his ass.
Tire and wheel package worn by Ford coyote owners to known street race spots. Used to deter people wanting to race .
Oh that nigga Jeff ain’t been off street tires since he claimed 1000 horsepower
We don't give a fuck what to name means no mo man damn 8/10 stories I go through I see a mf name and definition 🙂
Exe we're tired of u mfs
Me right now, why do you think i am wirting this? Its when you are on your phone or reading a book and you are too tired to put it down so you just continue becoming more and more tired
Me:its 2:55Am! I need sleep but...i am too tired to sleep
When someone replies "PSSSSSSSSSH"
To anything said to them.
Basically saying they don't agree making the sound of a flat tire.
Mostly done by Puerto Rican females
Hey you dating that BBC?
Pssssssh (Puerto Rican flat tire) sound