Another name for a deadbeat mother or someone you don't want to acknowledge as a mother.
"My egg donor called me this week and i let it go to voicemail" "My egg donor left me at 18 months" "Gotta love having a distant egg donor" "I hate my egg donor"
best served fried eggs originated from australia.
Bobby: How do you like your eggs sir?
Ash: with leukemia
only leukemia egg
Eggs Benedict is a traditional American brunch or breakfast dish that consists of two halves of an English muffin each of which is topped with Canadian bacon, ham or sometimes bacon, a poached egg, and hollandaise sauce. (Wikipedia)
It is also the protagonist nickname of fnaf sister location
(Yes I love fnaf)
Note: the IMG has nothing to do w sister location or food but is FNAF
Food: I love eggs benidict
Name: welcome back eggs benidict
When you queef and the do a frontal followthrough
Looks like a Kinder Egg without the toy but with all the surprise
Becky: Hahaha Ive just queefed...........oh wait something else came out too
Sophie: Thats a vagina egg!!!
A girl doing stuff with herself, the girl version of flickin the bean
Jessica was checkin the egg yesterday night
An Asian who acts white, hence being yellow on the outside and yellow on the inside.
David Chen is such a inverted egg. He act's like a stereotypical white boy, and has the mentality off one too. He's nothing like an asian!
A specific egg dish such as "Eggs Benedict". Eggs Hogoboom is in actuality an eggless breakfast / brunch dish, it is served on non toasted white Wonder Bread, topped with commodity bologna, cheese whiz, American cheese Tapatio and ketchup. A common prison food, easy made by altering the basic bologna sandwich often served in state and federal penitentiaries. This dish is named after Chester the 5th, also the creator of this artisan breakfast favorite. While this dish begins to spread like the bird flu in popularity, culinary experts who have worked closely with Chester are taken back by such a culinary break through they often compare his genius to the likes of Auguste Escoffier and Marie-Antoine Careme.
Chester - "Hey buddy, thanks again for picking me up and posting bail, I really appreciate it."
Greg - "No problem man, let me cheer you up a little, take you out for breakfast or something."
Cheseter - "Thanks but no thanks, I'm actually pretty full. Grubbed on some 'Eggs Hogoboom' about an hour ago."
Greg- " You lucky duck!!! I guess getting arrested didn't turn out all that bad after all..."