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Eva tran

the most amazing bestfriend in the entire world love you eva 🤍-big chungus

Eva Tran means that she’s the bestest

by Mani <3 November 23, 2021

1👍 1👎

mor di e mann far din e homo og du e ein adoptert trans

a insult to a person and his/her parents in norwegian.
stating that your mom is a man, your dad is gay and that you are an adopted transgendered person.

boy: mor di e så feit at hun må betale for tre seter på kinoen.
your mom is so fat that she has to pay for three seats at the theatres/cinemas.

joker: mor di e mann far din e homo og du e ein adoptert transe.

your mom is a man, your dad is gay and you are a adopted trans.

by tommydalommy January 4, 2018

madeline tran

Madeline Tran is the coolest person ever. Shes smart, silly, and really funny. She can be nice and kind but doesn't like to show it.

Maddie is the most hilarious person you will ever meet and just says whatever is on her mind, and she doesnt care what ppl think about her!

love u maddie!!!!!

Tristan: wow! madeline tran is so cool!
Kaylie: yeah! she is so funny and pretty!

by chadcat December 22, 2021

Your Mum Is Trans/ Gay



Your Mum Is Trans/ Gay

by idiot5757 June 30, 2022

Olympic Trans-Boxer

I'm sure you guys want my synopsis, so, here it is:

Hym "The Olympic Trans-Boxer all of the conservatives are mad about... IS NOT TRANS. She is an XY chromosomed Female with true hermaphroditism and can give birth! Not trans gender! That's the scoop! That's it. Did not transition at any point. Has been a female and has been regarded as female for their entire life. Not a real controversy. The conservatives swung and missed. They are WRONG! Wrong or lying. Which for conservatives means HELL FOREVER! BURNING IN HELL FOREVER!"

by Hym Iam August 5, 2024

Accidental trans

Accidental trans is when a person, usually born male stops getting haircuts, working out or watching their weight and ends up with long hair and a softer body. If the male is still shaving his face he will find himself becoming more woman like, thus trans.

Have you seen Mark since the pandemic?
He’s a total accidental trans. Long hair soft body,,I thought I was meeting up with his Mom.

by Torpy July 31, 2021

trans minded

To believe you have the mind of the opposite gender you were born with, but not want to transition into the other gender because you are content with the way you are.

That’s Scott the trans minded lesbian

by SDuckMe January 4, 2021