Source Code

Well, I'm a writer.

Said ruefully when no one gets the joke.

No one understands that Shakespeare is just Edwardian Cinemax? Well, I'm a writer.

by JormanThoad November 13, 2018

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Well Played, Mauer

The baseball equivalent of touche.

Originating from the popular MLB commercial on Youtube where Joe Mauer gives proof of his bikini-clad trip to Cabo with the host, with a photo in a frame, after the host denies ever going.

"My hugs can cure anything!"

'Even cancer?"

'Well played, Mauer."

by whiteeagle August 12, 2010

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well, he's nice

This phrase is something a woman says when she isn't really attracted to a guy that she dated. She uses this term to cover up her inner feelings.

Jill: "Hey how did the date go?"
Sarah: "Well, he's nice."

by nathanispro June 12, 2008

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mmmmmmm might as well

a phrase used by a girl who is never satisfied.

girl: mmmmmmm might as well never come home

boy: okay i was at work

girl:mmmm i might as well dig your grave since you are never here

by salbltrn May 28, 2012

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tapping the old well

When someone hooks up with ex-girlfriend, fuck buddy or anyone else the he has previously had sex with usually out of desperation

1. Guy 1 "Looks like Blaze is tapping the old well again"

Guy 2 "LOL"

2. Guy 1 "Hey man i'm really drunk and horny, I may have to go tap an old well tonight"

Guy 2 "Shit man"

by skinner49 September 24, 2012

Schmilkers wishing well

The act surprising a recipient by peeing in their anus following anal intercourse

I got the schmilkers wishing well last night.

by Things hooligans say May 24, 2020

well ripped

best described in the following phrase...

Slag: I'm Pregnant
Me: Well ripped

by jesus March 25, 2004

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