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Wine gine

The female equivalent of “Whiskey Dick”. Too much alcohol to allow your libido to get you to fully enjoy a sexual encounter and/or reach climax.

Our sexual chemistry was there, but wine gine got the best of me.

by SweaterChaser74 December 5, 2023

wines and gines

An exchange in which a group of girls gets so drunk on wine whilst simultaneously exchanging foul vagina themed paraphernalia

I got drunk off iced Pinot noir and opened a pair of crotchless panties and a vibrator at this years wines and gines party!

by GAAS January 26, 2024

the wine pony

Known also as a Leonie, this pony is. Very serious about words but as soon as the pony lets out the definition the pony forgets what it has said.

Person A"The one and only, the wine pony has arrived."

Person B" hide the wine before it's all gone"

by Jacobs creek August 24, 2017

Doctor's wine

Made with use of a medical glove instead of a balloon. As the gases fill the glove from the firmenting wine, it begins to inflate. When five fingers are up, the wine is ready for bottling and drinking later.

Doctor's wine can be made fairly cheep.

by ABDL2023 August 1, 2023

Filipino Wine Basket

A sexual act performed by two small prostitutes (typically Thai or Filipino). One gets on top of the man and hugs her knees while the other spins her around.

Where's my mom?
Spinning like a dreidel and doing a Filipino Wine Basket on me.

by scheisskopf February 14, 2012

wine and shine

When Donna drinks wine in the classiest way possible while in the shower.


by PRINCESS FOOT JUICE December 21, 2013

Wine Balls

(n) courage and aggressiveness brought on by over imbibing wine. See Beer Muscles

Nick and Jimmy got wine balls at the art bar last night and started a fight.

by HeeHoo Dares October 3, 2018